Tuesday, February 17, 2004

hidden animals

Animals on the underground
Animals hidden in the lines of the London tube map. (via As above)

boynton was tempted to do a quick scan of the melways to unearth the dormant bestiary hiding in the metropolis. I'm sure there's a blue heeler etched into the lines surrounding the local park where, for instance, she took her herself off swimming for 30 minutes in a pond with visible snake warnings and indifferent ducks the other day as boynton watched on haplessly but luckily with hat in the sharp afternoon sun. And surely she must have etched herself into the grid on the strength of her manic barking as she heads out daily along the street bound for the park - her frenzied song lines.

Comments: hidden animals

There's a wonderful bit of river flat just beyond Lorne where I suspect the owners or the council don't want people to camp. It has a huge sign which says "Beware Tiger Snakes".
It works.
Posted by David Tiley at February 18, 2004 09:59 PM

I know that bit - it's beautiful, and the sign. It works for me. I've always naively believed it, eg

Tents, Tiger Snakes, Bloody Idiot.

Now I'll have to look at such a sign differently.
Skeptically. Almost like a snake in the grass.
Posted by boynton at February 19, 2004 11:29 AM

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