Friday, January 14, 2005

the table

In the tradition of talking trivets and cars and blenders and things ...

The Table: Childhood 1984-2001, a fully autonomous robotic table selects a viewer to attempt a relationship with that person. The table will not interact with everyone who comes into the room; it will choose only one viewer. As long as that visitor stays, he or she will be the object of the table’s attention...

The table has a vocabulary based loosely on the subtleties of how people meet. First it tries to catch the eye of the person it selected by drawing attention to itself, as if to say, "Excuse me? Hello? I’d like to meet you!" suggested by a wiggle, or slight motion from side to side. It attempts to show the selected viewer’s motions, speed of movements, responses to the table’s behaviour, and general conditions in the room, the table might try to get closer.

Throughout the encounter, the table monitors the chosen visitor’s physical reactions. If that person is unresponsive, "The Table" tries harder: it might initiate an action enticing the viewer to copy it; it might dance by itself, turning on its axis with an elegant pirouette; it might decide to chase – or even to flee...

Via disjointed via DRT news

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