Thursday, August 04, 2005


LitQuotes via the ultimate Insult

Of couse too much blogging and you immediately want something found or blended, so LitQuotesDuos it is...
Duos may be similar, surprising, contradictory or odd. They can make you smile or even make you think.

This was today's blend:

Affery, like greater people, had always been right in her facts, and always wrong in the theories she deduced from them.
Little Dorrit

Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day, like a football, and it will be round and full at evening.
The Professor at the Breakfast Table

And, as noted by twists and turns, mixed words or "blends" are big in the new edition of the Oxford Dictionary. To suit the pace of our lifestyle apparently.

(Although: Lifestyle is from 1929, originally a specific term used by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler (1870-1937); broader sense is from 1961.)

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