Friday, May 20, 2005

nab meme

This is a new blog meme created by Nabakov in recent comments, which although unauthorised I'm going to do my bit to transmit as it's a slow Flo day round here this week and the questions are indeed imaginative. A very good meme indeed.

Which book, film, piece of music, painting or other work of art best evokes your most embarrassing personal moment? (the beauty of this meme is you don't have tell all, just get others to think it).
...Hello Mr Twiddle?
(I'm bluffing. My life has been so full of embarrassing personal moments that this question almost defeated me.)

What's yer blog's theme song?
Hmmm - Of course I would like to think something samba a la Getz/gilberto
but I have a feeling I may be generally taken for a pianola.
Or the truth is

Your final blog post. What will it NOT be about?
The truth is, it hasn't been fun for 2 and a half years....

What colours do you see various comments on yer blog in?
#666, #0099CC but I hang out for the purple.

What word do you enjoy typing out most in yer posts? And why?
The hard work has been done.

What's the one question you wouldn't pass onto other bloggers?
Which five bloggers would you most like to play tennis with?

You can take only one tangible, fungible and reproducible image to a desert island. And it is ?
you have to ask?

What's the state capital of North Dakota?
I'll err, defer to my team-mates.

Comments: nab meme

The Yanks ran out of naming puff in N Dakota! The capital is Bismarck, just down the road is Napoleon; Drake is a hundred km to the north and across the river in Minnesota is Euclid!
Posted by Kent at May 20, 2005 04:50 PM

Don't try to pin this one on me darling.

I was drunk and tossing off a flippant remark.

Now I know how Jesus felt.
Posted by Nababov at May 21, 2005 01:13 AM

But I do know why the State Capital of North Dakota is called Bismarck. However the other 99.984% of my mind is still reasonably available for productive purposes. Hurry now! While stocks last!
Posted by Nabakov at May 21, 2005 01:19 AM

"When the railroad reached the fort the next year, a town was laid out, subsequently named Bismarck in the hope of attracting German investment in the railroad."

Wonder what sort of investment Euclid was hoping to attract? Numbers?

"And the meme was good..."
Pity about my grammar. That was very poor.
(With which five bloggers would you most like to talk prepositions?)

Please toss more flippant remarks into the comment box, Nabakov, that can be turned into copy on this blog while stocks last.
Posted by boynton at May 21, 2005 01:17 PM

"Don't try to pin this one on me darling."

"I was drunk and tossing off"

Long suspected that this was how your comments occurred.
Posted by Francis Xavier Holden at May 24, 2005 01:20 PM

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