Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Why won't a purple magazine reflect the inherent festival?
was my favourite random sentence in the first batch.
(via twists and turns)


peacay said...

Heh. That's actually embarrassingly addictive....for about 20 secs at a time.

Into the prone castle rails an opening ham.

We don't get told these things on the 7 O'clock news. Conspiracy!

boynton said...

The pathetic listener trails next to her orbital

Anonymous said...

'The appropriate terminology wages the fat satire.'

I'm hooked! The site is more interesting than my alternative bedtime reading.

boynton said...

A murdered protocol worries across a diverse officer.

a touch of deadswab there ;)

Anonymous said...

I dunno. Nothing tops the sheer frenzy of spambots operating totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct.

I quote vertibam from my files.

"diatribes hit my pubic hair like shower cream!
Rosella illusions relevantly prenatal brownies
mocks situate somewhat sinister drool
bereft sifting attested rooftop Barnard
curry Magdalene propellers branding Floridian
cutting greedily Vishnu importers cohesively
lockups anding Catholics salivary rapturous
milking postman Fijians taker Ewing
signature Okamoto cobble Florence southpaw
springier stray starve serpents household

six of grove: small box sent made,
snail boy in poesy tore
fro word cover walls. join dirty boots alice
game say cling blows, kneel gable print down
added pool ready brave heard date.
Oven speed damp use smell grunt teeth wild;axes bat steel hats. Soap wider"

Now that's what I call a diatribe hitting my pubic hair.

Anonymous said...

And wouldn't "snail boy" (or girl) be a great online identity? Always the last to comment.

boynton said...

I love that second paragraph, Nabakov.
six of grove...

Snail boy and Sent Made? Gravatar-ready names I'd say.

Yeah I tried the paragraphs, Link, then went back to the sentences:
Should the stunt share the lump?

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » » »