Monday, May 10, 2004


Acoustics researchers at IRC have completed a comprehensive survey of the nature of the disturbance caused by air conditioner noise. The researchers found that annoyance was highest among neighbours who lived in quiet neighbourhoods and who did not own air conditioners themselves...

However it was the noise level relative to the ambient background noise that caused neighbours to complain about being disturbed. Specifically, when the air conditioner noise level was at least 5 decibels (dB) above the ambient background noise, complaints increased significantly.

In this quiet neighbourhood, the ambient noise is only disturbed by bouts of nocturnal winter ping pong and summer monster air con. But just down the road I did hear a house almost exploding with the boom tish of drumming teenager as I walked past with the blue heeler who usually throws in a few bars of barks at least 5 dB over the ambient noise level. We should all go virtual.

Ken's Virtual Drumkit (via Unity of Multi)

Comments: drums

OMG LOL, that might be us!
We have a house with no air conditioner but a monster unit next door. We have a drum kit set up in my daughter's room which is at the front, but we have a "not before 10 AM or after 8 PM" rule. And our house borders on a large dog walking park, too.
Cruickshank Park...?
Posted by Helen at May 16, 2004 11:03 AM

Alas - nowhere so Kool as Yville, Helen.
(I wish.)
This is a small pocket of sleepy x-ville ...OMG boroondara OMG...which is why I'm turnin' all middle-suburban and notcing these ambient intrusions.
Perhaps it's time I headed back to the inner city where a drumkit would never be noticed above the sirens, and where a monster air conditioner two doors down was a striking piece of contemporary urban sculpture.
I think your house rules re drumming are very civilised btw.

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