The Presurfer links to this mysterious Alien Dog story
In 1985 Pat Weissleader stepped out of her house one day and found a strange dog sitting on her porch. Completely hairless except for a thatch on its head and another at the end of its tail, the dog resembled no dog she had ever seen before.Despite its odd appearance, she felt an unusual attachment to it, and took it in.
Even though it is a daily occurance for boynton to have at least one where have these mysterious canines come from cri-de-coeur moments, she felt an unusual attachment to this story.
Boynton is now looking at Flo in a new light. Her appearance is definitely odd.
"Your dog has rolled in something!" a stranger called out to boynton in the park today.
"No, she just sat too close to the radiator" boynton answered, looking at the big tiger-like stripes on her already mottled generous grey back. A brand. A brand of defiance, strangeness, an alien dog.
Further research by Pat Weissleader revealed the alien dogs were" called Xoloitzcuintli pronounced Sho-Lo-Eats-Queent-Lee"
Maybe boynton has to look anew at the mysterious Flo, called Blue Heeler, pronounced She-got-roo-loose-in-top-paddock. Branded.
Comments: alien dog
While Boynton blogs, Flo burns!!!
Posted by Nora at June 30, 2003 09:47 PM
Well, now we know what breed Superman's dog Krypto was.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 30, 2003 09:49 PM
Yes Nora, I may have a slight blogging problem...
but as I said to the woman in the park/a "It happened very quickly! I'm not *that* neglectful"...(wherever *that* may be)
and Gummo, Superman had a dog? Had I known that I may have switched over from "Lassie"
Posted by boynton at July 1, 2003 12:50 PM
The dog was only in the comic books. I think there was a cat too. In fact, given that Earth was liberally showered with all sorts of creatures when the planet Krypton exploded, I'm surprised that no super cockroaches turned up. (Although we shouldn't ignore the possibility that Krypto might have had a few super fleas).
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at July 1, 2003 02:26 PM
funny how abductees never notice the fleas.
meanwhile I suspect that we earthlings are breeding super fleas with every flea treatment applied
Posted by boynton at July 1, 2003 02:58 PM
Possibly - in the long run we may run out of effective flea treatments (or effective treatments which won't have bad side effects for the dog). But it's nowhere near the problem we have with antibiotics. Yet.
And I think that flea treatments are preferable to having your house infested by a lot of pesky little ectoparasites which will go for you if the dog isn't handy.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at July 1, 2003 03:53 PM
Yes it was an empty lament, as I purchase and apply the miracle flea treatments regularly. Have to, as doug (or derg, as his last vet called him) has the dreaded allergy that compels him to self-mutilate within 24 hours of first flea bite.
They don't seem to like me, fortunately. Touch dog.
Posted by boynton at July 1, 2003 04:02 PM
Posted by Pithy at July 1, 2003 05:02 PM
I wonder if X's feature in the spelling of that one, pithy?
Posted by boynton at July 1, 2003 11:39 PM
Monday, June 30, 2003
Katherine Hepburn, the famously gravel voiced, feisty and stylish actress, died last night at the age of 96.(The Guardian)
Her biographer, Christopher Andersen, said: "She is the person who put women in pants, literally and figuratively. She is the greatest star, the greatest actress, that Hollywood has ever produced. She really was the the last of that breed of Hollywood royalty. And she was by far the greatest."
Some KH quotations:
Acting is the most minor of gifts and not a very high-class way to earn a living. After all, Shirley Temple could do it at the age of four.
If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.
I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true
Golden Years Katherine Hepburn...Holiday...Quotes
Her biographer, Christopher Andersen, said: "She is the person who put women in pants, literally and figuratively. She is the greatest star, the greatest actress, that Hollywood has ever produced. She really was the the last of that breed of Hollywood royalty. And she was by far the greatest."
Some KH quotations:
Acting is the most minor of gifts and not a very high-class way to earn a living. After all, Shirley Temple could do it at the age of four.
If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.
I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true
Golden Years Katherine Hepburn...Holiday...Quotes
Sunday, June 29, 2003
wesley montage
looking for statues of John Wesley, boynton was tempted to try a soviet-montage style of awakening statue cut.
On the other hand perhaps another sort of cut might work as well.
Comments: wesley montage
Eisenstein eat your heart out...
Posted by Nora at June 30, 2003 01:18 PM
There must be some link between Wesley and lions, or is that just the College?
Posted by boynton at June 30, 2003 01:39 PM
On the other hand perhaps another sort of cut might work as well.
Comments: wesley montage
Eisenstein eat your heart out...
Posted by Nora at June 30, 2003 01:18 PM
There must be some link between Wesley and lions, or is that just the College?
Posted by boynton at June 30, 2003 01:39 PM
Boynton missed John Wesley's first 300th birthday on the 17th of June, but did acknowledge his second, the 28th, yesterday as she passed his statue in Lonsdale Street (the actual day depends on which calendar style is followed apparently). She observed that his outsretched right hand, with frozen grip, might be read as a gesture of the missing glass, or stubbie, a gesture of lack, indeed a classic methodist position. Interesting to read that John Wesley was not an abstainer, and enjoyed fine wine. Boynton was born into a Methodist family but never knew the special edicts of the denomination. Perhaps by that stage we were only nominally of the denomination. We did go to a small timber church that looked a bit like this, that had been moved across Melbourne to sit among the gum trees at the foot of the Dandenongs, whose congregation, a local community, was doomed to amalgamate with the posher parish and its solid sixties style building a few miles away. The semi rural hamlet was also getting swallowed by suburbia at this time, that local feel dispersing, gumtrees going. It was only through attending an Anglican school with its cultural shift into high ritual and subdued singing that boynton could define that old time religion of childhood. A kind of community hymn singing church down the road with picnics and tennis and concerts.
John Wesley's famous rules for singing: Sing lustily and with good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength must have travelled down the generations and across the world, and out to the rural fringes of the city. Everyone seemed to sing pretty lustily to boynton - just as they may well have played tennis lustily in the privacy of their own court.
The shocking truth about John Wesley is an account of his London house and various health devices including his personal electric shock machine
He'd turn the crank on this crude device to generate a current of electricity through a metal rod, against which he'd press his tongue, forehead, or an ailing body part—a burn or a sore tooth, for example
and chamber horse "—an exercise chair with a thick leather cushion filled with air, which, when sat in, flattened like an accordion. Wesley hopped up and down in this chair for hours, simulating horseback riding.
General references on JW 300
Local ABC radio report
Methodist Heritage tour of England
cyber hymnal John Wesley
Comments: wesley
How is Methodism travelling these days?
Are they into charity services work?
Helping the homeless etc?
Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at June 30, 2003 11:36 AM
Bit like South Melbourne football club, our other family denomination, the methodists were absorbed into the National competition. That is they've been part of the Uniting Church since 1977, and unlike the Presbyterians, there's no continuing line that I know of. Different story /culture in America it would seem.That ABC radio has some good info on the state of play. I imagine that charity and social justice is attended to lustily. (I was going to say as with tennis, but the local courts here, still bearing the methodist imprint, seem to sit idle on most weekends)
Posted by boynton at June 30, 2003 12:53 PM
Actually Gary I think the link I meant was one I forgot to include, an article wriiten by Keith Suter, consultant for social policy, Wesley Mission, Sydney.
Posted by boynton at June 30, 2003 02:53 PM
John Wesley's famous rules for singing: Sing lustily and with good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength must have travelled down the generations and across the world, and out to the rural fringes of the city. Everyone seemed to sing pretty lustily to boynton - just as they may well have played tennis lustily in the privacy of their own court.
The shocking truth about John Wesley is an account of his London house and various health devices including his personal electric shock machine
He'd turn the crank on this crude device to generate a current of electricity through a metal rod, against which he'd press his tongue, forehead, or an ailing body part—a burn or a sore tooth, for example
and chamber horse "—an exercise chair with a thick leather cushion filled with air, which, when sat in, flattened like an accordion. Wesley hopped up and down in this chair for hours, simulating horseback riding.
General references on JW 300
Local ABC radio report
Methodist Heritage tour of England
cyber hymnal John Wesley
Comments: wesley
How is Methodism travelling these days?
Are they into charity services work?
Helping the homeless etc?
Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at June 30, 2003 11:36 AM
Bit like South Melbourne football club, our other family denomination, the methodists were absorbed into the National competition. That is they've been part of the Uniting Church since 1977, and unlike the Presbyterians, there's no continuing line that I know of. Different story /culture in America it would seem.That ABC radio has some good info on the state of play. I imagine that charity and social justice is attended to lustily. (I was going to say as with tennis, but the local courts here, still bearing the methodist imprint, seem to sit idle on most weekends)
Posted by boynton at June 30, 2003 12:53 PM
Actually Gary I think the link I meant was one I forgot to include, an article wriiten by Keith Suter, consultant for social policy, Wesley Mission, Sydney.
Posted by boynton at June 30, 2003 02:53 PM
Friday, June 27, 2003
mixed writing links
Mel Brooks' The Producers is coming to Melbourne. Meanwhile boynton may enrol in an intensive drumming workshop.
Drumming taught Brooks the basics...."Rhythm to a comedy writer is crucial," Brooks says. "When the rim shot comes in - and certain words are rim shots; words with a 'k' or an 'i'. 'Chicken' is a perfect word. It's a funny image. What did you buy? A chicken!?"
George Orwell quiz (via Moby Lives)
A reunion of the women chosen to work as guest editors at Mademoiselle magazine in 1953, one of whom was Sylvia Plath who immortalized the experience in
The Bell Jar (via Pop Culture Junk Mail)
"I have been reading Joyce and find it a nightmare in my present condition. . . and not Lawrence and not Virginia Wolf [sic] or anybody who writes by dipping the broken threads of their heads into the ink of literary history, please.
Zelda Fitzgerald's observation is actually a footnote to an entry on This Day in Literature about a dinner party arranged for F.Scott to meet his hero.
Comments: mixed writing links
My mother just returned from Oz, the Eastern 'estate'.
What are rents like?
Posted by esnet at June 27, 2003 04:51 PM
I laughed a lot when I read that Mel Brooks' interview and the comment about "chicken." It is definitely a funny word and I'm dying to have a chance to test it out on someone.
Posted by mcb at June 27, 2003 05:13 PM
es, there'snoplacelikehome.
The eastern estate is better, the southern parts thereof best. I think the rents are good, but don't know how they compare to yours. Probably higher. I'll look into it.
yes mcb - always good to have certain chuckling words like chicken up one's sleeve.
Posted by boynton at June 27, 2003 05:49 PM
Bialystock's been living here for ages. Only rarely bump into Bloom though.
Posted by Tony.T at June 30, 2003 02:46 PM
Maybe only once in a blue bloomsday, bialy?
Posted by boynton at June 30, 2003 03:04 PM
Drumming taught Brooks the basics...."Rhythm to a comedy writer is crucial," Brooks says. "When the rim shot comes in - and certain words are rim shots; words with a 'k' or an 'i'. 'Chicken' is a perfect word. It's a funny image. What did you buy? A chicken!?"
George Orwell quiz (via Moby Lives)
A reunion of the women chosen to work as guest editors at Mademoiselle magazine in 1953, one of whom was Sylvia Plath who immortalized the experience in
The Bell Jar (via Pop Culture Junk Mail)
"I have been reading Joyce and find it a nightmare in my present condition. . . and not Lawrence and not Virginia Wolf [sic] or anybody who writes by dipping the broken threads of their heads into the ink of literary history, please.
Zelda Fitzgerald's observation is actually a footnote to an entry on This Day in Literature about a dinner party arranged for F.Scott to meet his hero.
Comments: mixed writing links
My mother just returned from Oz, the Eastern 'estate'.
What are rents like?
Posted by esnet at June 27, 2003 04:51 PM
I laughed a lot when I read that Mel Brooks' interview and the comment about "chicken." It is definitely a funny word and I'm dying to have a chance to test it out on someone.
Posted by mcb at June 27, 2003 05:13 PM
es, there'snoplacelikehome.
The eastern estate is better, the southern parts thereof best. I think the rents are good, but don't know how they compare to yours. Probably higher. I'll look into it.
yes mcb - always good to have certain chuckling words like chicken up one's sleeve.
Posted by boynton at June 27, 2003 05:49 PM
Bialystock's been living here for ages. Only rarely bump into Bloom though.
Posted by Tony.T at June 30, 2003 02:46 PM
Maybe only once in a blue bloomsday, bialy?
Posted by boynton at June 30, 2003 03:04 PM
wood bodies
If boynton were ever to purchase a car perhaps this station wagon would be her choice. On the other hand, this wood bodied vehicle does sport a personalised number plate. (old woodies via J-walk)
tardis tennis
Haven't been watching Wimbledon overnight, but did watch John Lennon try to win a point against Shakespeare in this match (via Oink)
Comments: tardis tennis
Fantastic game - just can't get a point!
Posted by Nora at June 27, 2003 03:45 PM
Like the concept - hate the fact that I can't even play tennis as a video game.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 27, 2003 05:11 PM
The concept is good - and if it were on TV I'd be up all night watching it.
I enjoy a hit of tennis, but simply cannot get this version. Poor old John Lennon did woefully as boynton's proxy. I think it has something to do with the arrow keys.
Posted by boynton at June 27, 2003 05:39 PM
Neither Shakespeare nor Lennon were much chop as mine. Maybe I should try "We who are not amused".
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 27, 2003 10:01 PM
Comments: tardis tennis
Fantastic game - just can't get a point!
Posted by Nora at June 27, 2003 03:45 PM
Like the concept - hate the fact that I can't even play tennis as a video game.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 27, 2003 05:11 PM
The concept is good - and if it were on TV I'd be up all night watching it.
I enjoy a hit of tennis, but simply cannot get this version. Poor old John Lennon did woefully as boynton's proxy. I think it has something to do with the arrow keys.
Posted by boynton at June 27, 2003 05:39 PM
Neither Shakespeare nor Lennon were much chop as mine. Maybe I should try "We who are not amused".
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 27, 2003 10:01 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
In the eerie stakes, while the classic graveyard may cause pause, the old horse-drawn vehicle has always had some hold on boynton. (via Twists and Turns). They littered the regional folk-museum, these stark relics of another century, and boynton always felt slightly uneasy in their dark ricketty presence. Maybe because of the unhinged aspect - they summon the missing ghosts, the unharnessed horses. They are almost as chilling as all those headless dummies of country museums dressed in impossibly small waisted bustled dresses, or as maid weighed down by flat iron, or in a local mix of military nursing outfits. As a child, boynton learnt to run past these sinister dismembered exhibits without looking.
Some non-headless examples of the genre from Antique mannequins in museums. See also their Projects page.
Comments: haunting
In your "non-headless examples" link, one of those figures ain't no dummy - or as your friend would pronounce:'doo-may' but she does a very fine impersonation of one...btw...that graveyard gives me the creeps. I can only gaze for a couple of seconds before pressing the 'back' button!
Posted by Nora at June 26, 2003 07:07 PM
she fooled me.
maybe that's what I always feared.
Posted by boynton at June 27, 2003 12:38 PM
tut tut - too ready to beleive in ghosts, ghouls, hanged woman crying for help....AND HERE SHE IS!!
Posted by Averil at July 5, 2003 02:27 AM
And even more creepy
Posted by at July 5, 2003 02:55 AM
Some non-headless examples of the genre from Antique mannequins in museums. See also their Projects page.
Comments: haunting
In your "non-headless examples" link, one of those figures ain't no dummy - or as your friend would pronounce:'doo-may' but she does a very fine impersonation of one...btw...that graveyard gives me the creeps. I can only gaze for a couple of seconds before pressing the 'back' button!
Posted by Nora at June 26, 2003 07:07 PM
she fooled me.
maybe that's what I always feared.
Posted by boynton at June 27, 2003 12:38 PM
tut tut - too ready to beleive in ghosts, ghouls, hanged woman crying for help....AND HERE SHE IS!!
Posted by Averil at July 5, 2003 02:27 AM
And even more creepy
Posted by at July 5, 2003 02:55 AM
tartan check
Boynton still has not fully checked whether she has in fact... lost...her tartan tam o shanter, (as referred to here where you may see the article modelled by douglas.) She suspects it is gone for good, but will forestall meeting the awful truth for a while longer. It probably went the way of the matching scarf that flew away one day on a walk (and she didn't even notice). However a lucky find at the local means that she has found an adequate replacement. A smaller tam, all wool, but no pom-pom. It means swapping tartans, which is probably not done. It is probably bad form to casually swap from Lindsay to Royal Stewart. Boynton has no Scottish blood. Just Irish, Welsh and lots of Somerset. She'd better study her guess the tartan game.
Comments: tartan check
Bad form or not, it's a definite improvement ;)
Still, if it is bad form, the best thing to do is go the whole hog and team it with an Oxford rowing scarf or something similar.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 06:33 PM
it is certainly an improvement on a black balaclava worn backwards.
And should I run with scarf, won't I be committing another sartorial/cultural transgression if I opt for the wrong educational and/or sporting clan?
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 07:06 PM
Oh dear, this is getting comnplicated. I think you're OK to run with the rowing scarf, as long as it's beside a river with a coxless four in the water and you're carrying a megaphone. Or does that only apply to riding a bicycle?
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 07:21 PM
That's fine then. Oddly enough that is often the exact scenario when I go out walking.
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 07:35 PM
Glad we got that sorted out.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 07:41 PM
Comments: tartan check
Bad form or not, it's a definite improvement ;)
Still, if it is bad form, the best thing to do is go the whole hog and team it with an Oxford rowing scarf or something similar.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 06:33 PM
it is certainly an improvement on a black balaclava worn backwards.
And should I run with scarf, won't I be committing another sartorial/cultural transgression if I opt for the wrong educational and/or sporting clan?
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 07:06 PM
Oh dear, this is getting comnplicated. I think you're OK to run with the rowing scarf, as long as it's beside a river with a coxless four in the water and you're carrying a megaphone. Or does that only apply to riding a bicycle?
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 07:21 PM
That's fine then. Oddly enough that is often the exact scenario when I go out walking.
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 07:35 PM
Glad we got that sorted out.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 07:41 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
better farming train
Sometimes it's all in the caption.
(and maybe there was some link between sewing and mathematics afterall.)
Comments: better farming train
What do you suppose a "better farming train" is, exactly? And I'm a little concerned that the audience is standing behind him.
Posted by mcb at June 24, 2003 05:19 PM
I could say "scroll down", mcb, "and all shall be revealed" but it's so much better to guess.
Perhaps the BFT like the Bunyip was only a mythological creature, discussed around the campfire or a semi-circle of suits.
(note the dog has gone one degree further and turned his back on the speaker)
Posted by boynton at June 24, 2003 05:41 PM
I liked the photo of "a lecture about breeding purebred stock" although the bull appears to have found it quite boring.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 24, 2003 05:46 PM
He had probably been expecting to hear "elementary eugenics" instead.
Posted by boynton at June 24, 2003 05:56 PM
Tenuous linkage....
Sew a train on the train.
Sew, that they may grow.
Posted by Tony.T at June 25, 2003 01:56 PM
Who do you think was responsible for making all the wheat bags? Pioneering life was hard, I tell, you, hard.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 03:03 PM
Or even "Why is it Sew?".
It was the mere look of algebra or some other mathematical branch in the symbols on the blackboard demonstration that would have had me puzzled. I would lose my train of thought - even if I'd caught it in the first place.
And I wonder whether running up a wheat sack for the local dance involved darts and tucks?
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 03:46 PM
That would be a matter of striking the right balance between a boringly utilitiarian design and an ostentatious display of craftswomanship.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 04:40 PM
Just can't tell if "craftwomanship" would be some way down the the track, or was already old hat in 1924? Hard to place the en-gendered language at the correct station.
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 07:29 PM
Or even tarts and ducks. I like ducks. Boynty, as a countrified Kewgirl you've been delegated to collect all the wheat bags in the leafy green east and use them to gather all loose deposits of wordplay.
Posted by Tony.T at June 25, 2003 09:35 PM
they break down eventually
Posted by boynton at June 26, 2003 12:55 AM
(and maybe there was some link between sewing and mathematics afterall.)
Comments: better farming train
What do you suppose a "better farming train" is, exactly? And I'm a little concerned that the audience is standing behind him.
Posted by mcb at June 24, 2003 05:19 PM
I could say "scroll down", mcb, "and all shall be revealed" but it's so much better to guess.
Perhaps the BFT like the Bunyip was only a mythological creature, discussed around the campfire or a semi-circle of suits.
(note the dog has gone one degree further and turned his back on the speaker)
Posted by boynton at June 24, 2003 05:41 PM
I liked the photo of "a lecture about breeding purebred stock" although the bull appears to have found it quite boring.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 24, 2003 05:46 PM
He had probably been expecting to hear "elementary eugenics" instead.
Posted by boynton at June 24, 2003 05:56 PM
Tenuous linkage....
Sew a train on the train.
Sew, that they may grow.
Posted by Tony.T at June 25, 2003 01:56 PM
Who do you think was responsible for making all the wheat bags? Pioneering life was hard, I tell, you, hard.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 03:03 PM
Or even "Why is it Sew?".
It was the mere look of algebra or some other mathematical branch in the symbols on the blackboard demonstration that would have had me puzzled. I would lose my train of thought - even if I'd caught it in the first place.
And I wonder whether running up a wheat sack for the local dance involved darts and tucks?
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 03:46 PM
That would be a matter of striking the right balance between a boringly utilitiarian design and an ostentatious display of craftswomanship.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 25, 2003 04:40 PM
Just can't tell if "craftwomanship" would be some way down the the track, or was already old hat in 1924? Hard to place the en-gendered language at the correct station.
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 07:29 PM
Or even tarts and ducks. I like ducks. Boynty, as a countrified Kewgirl you've been delegated to collect all the wheat bags in the leafy green east and use them to gather all loose deposits of wordplay.
Posted by Tony.T at June 25, 2003 09:35 PM
they break down eventually
Posted by boynton at June 26, 2003 12:55 AM
Saturday at the races, according to the Age, was one of those dark days
The death of three horses in two jumping races at Moonee Valley yesterday was an unfortunate feature of jumps racing, chief steward Des Gleeson said
These are some pictures of Piermont who had been expected to contest the feature races in the current season. "He just keeps whacking away and the longer distances will suit him". Instead this was his fate, as described by The Age.
Piermont, the $5 third favourite in the steeple, crashed at the second fence in the back straight the first time around.
The nine-year-old gelding badly injured his back and could not be moved from the track.
Officials placed witches hats around the fallen horse so the field would avoid him on the second circuit of the course.
The other runners were forced to jump the outside of the fence.
Piermont was destroyed...
And yet the Herald Sun only sees tragedy in a jockey being beaten. It prefers the word sombre to describe the unfortunate aspect of the sport, "part and parcel of jumps racing" according to the Chief Steward.
Boynton heard an apologist call in to talk back radio yesterday. It was like humans, he said, those who can't handle the flat turn to the hurdles. We're not sure that horses actually exercise this much choice in their career path. You'd have to doubt that if they knew the facts, they'd think it was a good bet.
The death of three horses in two jumping races at Moonee Valley yesterday was an unfortunate feature of jumps racing, chief steward Des Gleeson said
These are some pictures of Piermont who had been expected to contest the feature races in the current season. "He just keeps whacking away and the longer distances will suit him". Instead this was his fate, as described by The Age.
Piermont, the $5 third favourite in the steeple, crashed at the second fence in the back straight the first time around.
The nine-year-old gelding badly injured his back and could not be moved from the track.
Officials placed witches hats around the fallen horse so the field would avoid him on the second circuit of the course.
The other runners were forced to jump the outside of the fence.
Piermont was destroyed...
And yet the Herald Sun only sees tragedy in a jockey being beaten. It prefers the word sombre to describe the unfortunate aspect of the sport, "part and parcel of jumps racing" according to the Chief Steward.
Boynton heard an apologist call in to talk back radio yesterday. It was like humans, he said, those who can't handle the flat turn to the hurdles. We're not sure that horses actually exercise this much choice in their career path. You'd have to doubt that if they knew the facts, they'd think it was a good bet.
Monday, June 23, 2003
place linkage
boynton suspects that a cold may be lurking somewhere waiting to catch her yet hatless in the bitterness of winter solstice. This is by way of an excuse for not finding some greater counter link to the reading list of links presented below. We've been having an almost phantom flu day - hybernating and conserving the hypertextual energy. However all these links deal with Place and there's some wonderful reading within and round the edges
Place is not only a noun but a verb; one cannot come to know it without locating oneself in it, a slow and interior process...
From Wesley McNair The Forest And The Trees: Four Seasons From a Journal About Place and Poetry (via wood s lot)
Here is Northern Ohio
Architecture as Identification of Space via this post at Black Belt Jones
And a large collection of wonderful essays on writing and thinking about Place at the newly formed Ecotone (via Fragments)
Comments: place linkage
Thanks for the link! From this trip I learned that Northern Ohio, like Texas, really is a whole different country.
Posted by Anne at June 25, 2003 04:14 AM
It's a great post, Anne. About past inhabitants of the landscape, and the inheritors.
Your description of the long stretches of silent, flat country bewteen small towns reminded me of our landscape/ roadscape.
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 11:39 AM
Place is not only a noun but a verb; one cannot come to know it without locating oneself in it, a slow and interior process...
From Wesley McNair The Forest And The Trees: Four Seasons From a Journal About Place and Poetry (via wood s lot)
Here is Northern Ohio
Architecture as Identification of Space via this post at Black Belt Jones
And a large collection of wonderful essays on writing and thinking about Place at the newly formed Ecotone (via Fragments)
Comments: place linkage
Thanks for the link! From this trip I learned that Northern Ohio, like Texas, really is a whole different country.
Posted by Anne at June 25, 2003 04:14 AM
It's a great post, Anne. About past inhabitants of the landscape, and the inheritors.
Your description of the long stretches of silent, flat country bewteen small towns reminded me of our landscape/ roadscape.
Posted by boynton at June 25, 2003 11:39 AM
Sunday, June 22, 2003
dog signing
Yesterday in our travels we came across this photo of cubs learning their semaphore in 1950's Melbourne. Boynton has recently been thinking of brushing up this skill learnt briefly in Brownies to communicate with her ageing deaf dog. Sign language may be more discreet but less distinctive. According to this training your deaf dog site, hand gestures must be clear, distinguishable from other signs and gestures you commonly use, visible from a distance, and consistent
One of bluejoh's recent links is to this British Sign Language site. This is Please. Seems easy enough. Perhaps not quite assertive enough to be effective with an old alpha male labrador with ingrained status issues. And that gesture seems to suffer from ambiguity. Boynton has probably often signalled Please when she was really feeling Whoops or even perhaps pardon me .Better stick to semaphore, or its variations. Luckily the requisite number of key commands has diminished with time, and we can get by with the usual standards. It was also bluejoh who once pointed us to the Fudebakudo Semaphore Kata Page, so we've extracted a few by way of example:
Walk... Dinner ...Off ... Off the Couch (This series of gestures is pretty much how boynton signals this anyway - expletives non deleted, and the dinner gesture is a mirror of doug's own dinner dance)
This and some supplementary semaphore phrases should see us through.
Comments: dog signing
Slap. Tap. Wave. Flick.
Nup! Works better in person.
Posted by Tony.T at June 23, 2003 04:24 PM
Well of course I can only endorse numbers 2 & 3 -that is, if we're talking dog training, Tony.
(I was going to say "dog whispering" but it's more your "dog shouting" these days)
Posted by boynton at June 23, 2003 06:02 PM
One of bluejoh's recent links is to this British Sign Language site. This is Please. Seems easy enough. Perhaps not quite assertive enough to be effective with an old alpha male labrador with ingrained status issues. And that gesture seems to suffer from ambiguity. Boynton has probably often signalled Please when she was really feeling Whoops or even perhaps pardon me .Better stick to semaphore, or its variations. Luckily the requisite number of key commands has diminished with time, and we can get by with the usual standards. It was also bluejoh who once pointed us to the Fudebakudo Semaphore Kata Page, so we've extracted a few by way of example:
Walk... Dinner ...Off ... Off the Couch (This series of gestures is pretty much how boynton signals this anyway - expletives non deleted, and the dinner gesture is a mirror of doug's own dinner dance)
This and some supplementary semaphore phrases should see us through.
Comments: dog signing
Slap. Tap. Wave. Flick.
Nup! Works better in person.
Posted by Tony.T at June 23, 2003 04:24 PM
Well of course I can only endorse numbers 2 & 3 -that is, if we're talking dog training, Tony.
(I was going to say "dog whispering" but it's more your "dog shouting" these days)
Posted by boynton at June 23, 2003 06:02 PM
Saturday, June 21, 2003
buenos melba
Buenos Aires in the Fifties (via Plep) is a great photographic glimpse of another city,another time.
Was there something reminiscent of Melbourne in the 50's or did we just imagine it - or light it that way, or colourise it, viewing the past through tinted, rose postcard views? That was a melbourne on the brink of demolition or preservation, the whelan the wrecker ball poised above its skyline, debating whether to blitz and build or conserve its strict 132 foot height limits.
A friend of boynton's once returned from Buenos Aires and said it reminded him of Melbourne in its Euro feel, that colonial disjunction. Perhap we're just too keen to keep that compass relative - everyplace as an an analogy to home. It's what boynton often does in cyber space, looks for the local links, the spatial bearings, twinnings, chains, kennings.
Melbourne out-bid Buenos Aires for the right to stage the 1956 Summer Olympics, and there is a Jane Austen Society in both cities.
A surreal link -the great Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges once spent some time in Melbourne and according to Guy Rundle:
Borges found Melbourne to be evocative of Buenos Aires, albeit more staid. The wide Victorian streets and languorous gardens, the tang of rusting air from the wide verandas, the stately trams, the pompous stone buildings shaded by palms - the city had the sort of timelessness that he associated with all southern places. ``Citta metafisica'' he called them ``transcendental cities in which the eternal was open at every moment, where a set of locks in a window in `Glenhuntly' road is as beguiling and mysterious as the sublime shadow of the Shrine at night
Comments: buenos melba
That quote is surreal! I guess it's good old Aussie cultural cringe (whatever that phrase actually means), but I never think of literature legends interacting with the places I know. I love Borges, and I love the way he looked at Melbourne. Thanks for the quote.
Posted by Beth at June 23, 2003 12:19 PM
I know, Beth, it is weird to think of Borges arriving in 1938 Melbourne. Maybe I cringe 'on behalf of' our poor old parochial city with its magnificent, "awe-inspiring" domed reading room.
I knew Ray Lawler and Helen Garner etc wrote there, hadn't heard about Borges.
I wonder if there is an Argentinian equivalent of the cultural cringe, the tyranny of distance etc?
Posted by boynton at June 23, 2003 01:59 PM
Was there something reminiscent of Melbourne in the 50's or did we just imagine it - or light it that way, or colourise it, viewing the past through tinted, rose postcard views? That was a melbourne on the brink of demolition or preservation, the whelan the wrecker ball poised above its skyline, debating whether to blitz and build or conserve its strict 132 foot height limits.
A friend of boynton's once returned from Buenos Aires and said it reminded him of Melbourne in its Euro feel, that colonial disjunction. Perhap we're just too keen to keep that compass relative - everyplace as an an analogy to home. It's what boynton often does in cyber space, looks for the local links, the spatial bearings, twinnings, chains, kennings.
Melbourne out-bid Buenos Aires for the right to stage the 1956 Summer Olympics, and there is a Jane Austen Society in both cities.
A surreal link -the great Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges once spent some time in Melbourne and according to Guy Rundle:
Borges found Melbourne to be evocative of Buenos Aires, albeit more staid. The wide Victorian streets and languorous gardens, the tang of rusting air from the wide verandas, the stately trams, the pompous stone buildings shaded by palms - the city had the sort of timelessness that he associated with all southern places. ``Citta metafisica'' he called them ``transcendental cities in which the eternal was open at every moment, where a set of locks in a window in `Glenhuntly' road is as beguiling and mysterious as the sublime shadow of the Shrine at night
Comments: buenos melba
That quote is surreal! I guess it's good old Aussie cultural cringe (whatever that phrase actually means), but I never think of literature legends interacting with the places I know. I love Borges, and I love the way he looked at Melbourne. Thanks for the quote.
Posted by Beth at June 23, 2003 12:19 PM
I know, Beth, it is weird to think of Borges arriving in 1938 Melbourne. Maybe I cringe 'on behalf of' our poor old parochial city with its magnificent, "awe-inspiring" domed reading room.
I knew Ray Lawler and Helen Garner etc wrote there, hadn't heard about Borges.
I wonder if there is an Argentinian equivalent of the cultural cringe, the tyranny of distance etc?
Posted by boynton at June 23, 2003 01:59 PM
Friday, June 20, 2003
post misc links
More old futurism: Victorian Visions of the Year 2000 (via the solipsistic gazette)
and Ulysses for Dummies may have been useful to boynton to bluff her way round bloomsday (via Rise)
A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory. Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha
Posted by: debt consolidation loan with bad credit at September 28, 2004 02:58 PM
and Ulysses for Dummies may have been useful to boynton to bluff her way round bloomsday (via Rise)
A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory. Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha
Posted by: debt consolidation loan with bad credit at September 28, 2004 02:58 PM
nre photos
Taking the waters at a Central Victorian mineral spring in the 1930s.One of the historic photographs from the Natural Resources and Environment Virtual Exhibition.
Ringbarking a giant tree from the Giant Trees category
The butter working room 1905 and Grading Butter...
and A view of thronging crowds in the Government Pavilion, Royal Melbourne Show, 1954.
Comments: nre photos
I never knew that there was a class above "First"
(as with the Grading of Butter). How timely Boynton, as I pen the last of my reports. From now on I'll have to mark my top students "choicest"
Posted by Nora at June 20, 2003 10:26 PM
that'll learn em. But isn't "Gifted" somewhere above that still - or is that b/w choicest and first?
I was sometimes Pastry Class myself (in maths and needlecraft anyway)
Posted by boynton at June 20, 2003 11:32 PM
Ringbarking a giant tree from the Giant Trees category
The butter working room 1905 and Grading Butter...
and A view of thronging crowds in the Government Pavilion, Royal Melbourne Show, 1954.
Comments: nre photos
I never knew that there was a class above "First"
(as with the Grading of Butter). How timely Boynton, as I pen the last of my reports. From now on I'll have to mark my top students "choicest"
Posted by Nora at June 20, 2003 10:26 PM
that'll learn em. But isn't "Gifted" somewhere above that still - or is that b/w choicest and first?
I was sometimes Pastry Class myself (in maths and needlecraft anyway)
Posted by boynton at June 20, 2003 11:32 PM
evil green pen
Browsing at an evil multinational bookstore the other night, boynton was naturally drawn to the bargain bin. Among the daughter-of-celeb biogs and archaic PC texts were a few of those books that don't deserve such a fate in this cruel world. The banal indignity of the bargain bin is one thing, the desecration of the remaindering is another. One poor book, so carefully laboured over and produced, with beautiful illustrations throughout like this or this, was now branded by a large streak of permanent green marker all the way along its pristine edge. We get the picture, why the noise?
Another caveat: A first edition that is "remaindered" is no longer a collector book. Books that are disgraced by a "remainder" stamp, by slashed binding, or by the ink of a magic marker have lost their value (source)
Another caveat: A first edition that is "remaindered" is no longer a collector book. Books that are disgraced by a "remainder" stamp, by slashed binding, or by the ink of a magic marker have lost their value (source)
Thursday, June 19, 2003
misc links
Retrofuture is the missing link that could have appeared with that jetson post about futuristic visions and public imagination.
Doubt was not option in Futurama. "The World of Tomorrow" promised only better days ahead. Futurama followed this script to perfection. Visitors were promised that "abundant sunshine, fresh air, fine green parkways" would blend together seamlessly with dazzling skyscrapers and seven-lane highways
It is one of the many wonderful links in one of bluejoh's specials that boynton plans to explore over the next two weeks. With Joh you know every link will be worth a look.
and this train-spotting simulator could have slotted in nicely with transport nostalgics (via bifurcated rivets)
"The spiritual value of a vacuum cleaner may not be terribly high, but it might do the trick until we have an American Ghandi"
from Ramond Loewy Design for a Consumer Culture virtual exhibition. (via Mr Zellar)
"I think if I get into the habit of writing a bit about what happens, or rather doesn't happen, I may lose a little of the sense of loneliness and desolation which abides in me."
- Alice James
One of the many quotes on writing over a series of posts at Whiskey River
Comments: misc links
Nice to see the blue back!
Posted by joh at June 20, 2003 06:05 AM
Drats. As I was writing this comment I heard a train go past.
Posted by Tony.T at June 20, 2003 10:57 AM
Thanks Joh - the blue feels better. I think it was waiting in quarrantine while I was unpacking.
and Tony, what train was that? (I hope you know both the common and the Latin names for those creatures by now)
Posted by boynton at June 20, 2003 01:57 PM
The 3:15 to Paddington's not a creature. Unless you count giant mechanical snakes.
Posted by Tony.T at June 20, 2003 06:36 PM
but what about the 5.07 "eppingexspectatio" or the 5.35 "Lalorlentulus" of the genus Connex?
Posted by boynton at June 21, 2003 01:13 AM
Doubt was not option in Futurama. "The World of Tomorrow" promised only better days ahead. Futurama followed this script to perfection. Visitors were promised that "abundant sunshine, fresh air, fine green parkways" would blend together seamlessly with dazzling skyscrapers and seven-lane highways
It is one of the many wonderful links in one of bluejoh's specials that boynton plans to explore over the next two weeks. With Joh you know every link will be worth a look.
and this train-spotting simulator could have slotted in nicely with transport nostalgics (via bifurcated rivets)
"The spiritual value of a vacuum cleaner may not be terribly high, but it might do the trick until we have an American Ghandi"
from Ramond Loewy Design for a Consumer Culture virtual exhibition. (via Mr Zellar)
"I think if I get into the habit of writing a bit about what happens, or rather doesn't happen, I may lose a little of the sense of loneliness and desolation which abides in me."
- Alice James
One of the many quotes on writing over a series of posts at Whiskey River
Comments: misc links
Nice to see the blue back!
Posted by joh at June 20, 2003 06:05 AM
Drats. As I was writing this comment I heard a train go past.
Posted by Tony.T at June 20, 2003 10:57 AM
Thanks Joh - the blue feels better. I think it was waiting in quarrantine while I was unpacking.
and Tony, what train was that? (I hope you know both the common and the Latin names for those creatures by now)
Posted by boynton at June 20, 2003 01:57 PM
The 3:15 to Paddington's not a creature. Unless you count giant mechanical snakes.
Posted by Tony.T at June 20, 2003 06:36 PM
but what about the 5.07 "eppingexspectatio" or the 5.35 "Lalorlentulus" of the genus Connex?
Posted by boynton at June 21, 2003 01:13 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
tempest of yells
thinking of working these two images into the comments section. ("Book illustrations depicting school uniforms"via Plep)
Comments: a tempest of yells
Hey - I recognised that illustration from the William books-recommended to me when a child by my mother who'd adored them herself...but there's something strangely compelling about 'a tempest of yells'...
Posted by Nora at June 18, 2003 11:50 PM
boynton- that is certainly doable- email me and let me know exactly what you have in mind and I'll try and put the makins together.
Posted by Scott Wickstein at June 19, 2003 02:02 AM
Richmal? Indecunsure.
Posted by Tony.T at June 20, 2003 10:50 AM
"a tempest of yells" - love it!
Posted by Gianna at June 20, 2003 02:12 PM
Kinda looks like the oz blogosphere, Gianna, in terms of gender balance and volume? On some days anyway ;)
Posted by boynton at June 20, 2003 05:14 PM
Comments: a tempest of yells
Hey - I recognised that illustration from the William books-recommended to me when a child by my mother who'd adored them herself...but there's something strangely compelling about 'a tempest of yells'...
Posted by Nora at June 18, 2003 11:50 PM
boynton- that is certainly doable- email me and let me know exactly what you have in mind and I'll try and put the makins together.
Posted by Scott Wickstein at June 19, 2003 02:02 AM
Richmal? Indecunsure.
Posted by Tony.T at June 20, 2003 10:50 AM
"a tempest of yells" - love it!
Posted by Gianna at June 20, 2003 02:12 PM
Kinda looks like the oz blogosphere, Gianna, in terms of gender balance and volume? On some days anyway ;)
Posted by boynton at June 20, 2003 05:14 PM
eucalyptus camaldulensis
They are River Red Gums then, those magnificent trees in the remnant bushland nearby. And they are Eucalyptus camaldulensis of this genera. Boynton was recently inspired by a wonderful post by Fred at Fragments From Floyd to start learning names.
But I certainly understood the intricacies of nature much less then when I lacked names for things. As a (former) teacher, I understand the grievous task of learning them, and have had to do my share of convincing students of the merits of knowing at least some creatures by their names.... Familiarity breeds respect, and in a sense, it creates friends of nameless birds, trees, flowers or insects. A friend is not a generic person but a person you recognize as unique, you know their particular history, their preferences and the relationships they have with other friends and their community
It may yet be grevious, it certainly is a conscious task, like those old tasks of data input - the French verbs and igneous rocks of school with their short term outcome that seemed rather arbritrary at the time. Members of boynton's family have lapsed into this classic horticultural dialect, but now it seems less the jargon of gardening and more an ecological key.
And the familiarity with specific trees, the relationships that Fred refers to are evident in this report on the "death event" - the crisis for the Red River Gums along the Murray. The retired horticulturalists and voluntary rangers who have the long-term first-hand knowledge of places and specific features.
"Just before Christmas John Steed, a retired horticulturst and voluntary ranger at Paringa Paddock near Renmark, noticed his favourite tree was in trouble. Until then this huge red gum had a canopy of leaves that formed a large protective circle of shade for those underneath. On a hot day half a dozen cars would be parked underneath it while their owners went fishing or swimming nearby.
"It has slowly died," Mr Steed said. "The leaves gradually dropped off or have been blown off by the wind and there is leaf litter everywhere. I've known that tree for more than 20 years."
(see also: Historic Red Gums die in Murray dry
“For the trees that we haven't seen suffer before, in particular the gums, this time they’re going out.
Garrett campaigns for red gum )
Comments: Eucalyptus camaldulensis
If it weren't for my Simpson & Day Field Guide to Australian Birds, I would never have noticed that the local population of White Plumed Honeyeaters appears to be increasing.
Nor would I have known that those big black birds I see hanging around the railway station are actually Australian Ravens. At least I think they are - to get a definite identification you need a throat hackle, and I've never got close enough to try plucking one.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 18, 2003 09:03 PM
Glad about the Meliphaga penicillata ( w.p.honeyeaters) and as for the Corvus coronoides - "Its fierce, menacing looks hide what is really a cowardly scavenger" But rather than attempt that risky plucking procedure, perhaps take the more cautious approach and listen for the distinctive "drawn out, descending "ah" at the end of the call".
I presume they mean the bird.
Posted by boynton at June 18, 2003 09:56 PM
Damn it, it's taken me the past six months just to get the hang of the common names!
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 18, 2003 10:15 PM
I think it might be a little while before I get onto the trees ;)
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 18, 2003 11:00 PM
Greetings Boynton, and you have my admiration for making the effort to know names... you will not be sorry.
Our Eastern Hemlocks are dying, will be gone perhaps in time for me to see their complete demise from the eastern deciduous forest of north America. And with them, perhaps, the Black Throated Blue Warbler and others that seem to thrive in the formerly dense dark green needles of my favorite, dying tree species. Sometimes I wish I didn't know them by name.
Posted by fredf at June 18, 2003 11:05 PM
It's the other way round for me Gummo - flora then the fauna. Though as Fred points out, they're (we're) inter-connected.
Harrowing Fred, to go from field observation to commemorating in such a short time in relative terms. Recording names seems the least we can do.
Posted by boynton at June 18, 2003 11:32 PM
But I certainly understood the intricacies of nature much less then when I lacked names for things. As a (former) teacher, I understand the grievous task of learning them, and have had to do my share of convincing students of the merits of knowing at least some creatures by their names.... Familiarity breeds respect, and in a sense, it creates friends of nameless birds, trees, flowers or insects. A friend is not a generic person but a person you recognize as unique, you know their particular history, their preferences and the relationships they have with other friends and their community
It may yet be grevious, it certainly is a conscious task, like those old tasks of data input - the French verbs and igneous rocks of school with their short term outcome that seemed rather arbritrary at the time. Members of boynton's family have lapsed into this classic horticultural dialect, but now it seems less the jargon of gardening and more an ecological key.
And the familiarity with specific trees, the relationships that Fred refers to are evident in this report on the "death event" - the crisis for the Red River Gums along the Murray. The retired horticulturalists and voluntary rangers who have the long-term first-hand knowledge of places and specific features.
"Just before Christmas John Steed, a retired horticulturst and voluntary ranger at Paringa Paddock near Renmark, noticed his favourite tree was in trouble. Until then this huge red gum had a canopy of leaves that formed a large protective circle of shade for those underneath. On a hot day half a dozen cars would be parked underneath it while their owners went fishing or swimming nearby.
"It has slowly died," Mr Steed said. "The leaves gradually dropped off or have been blown off by the wind and there is leaf litter everywhere. I've known that tree for more than 20 years."
(see also: Historic Red Gums die in Murray dry
“For the trees that we haven't seen suffer before, in particular the gums, this time they’re going out.
Garrett campaigns for red gum )
Comments: Eucalyptus camaldulensis
If it weren't for my Simpson & Day Field Guide to Australian Birds, I would never have noticed that the local population of White Plumed Honeyeaters appears to be increasing.
Nor would I have known that those big black birds I see hanging around the railway station are actually Australian Ravens. At least I think they are - to get a definite identification you need a throat hackle, and I've never got close enough to try plucking one.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 18, 2003 09:03 PM
Glad about the Meliphaga penicillata ( w.p.honeyeaters) and as for the Corvus coronoides - "Its fierce, menacing looks hide what is really a cowardly scavenger" But rather than attempt that risky plucking procedure, perhaps take the more cautious approach and listen for the distinctive "drawn out, descending "ah" at the end of the call".
I presume they mean the bird.
Posted by boynton at June 18, 2003 09:56 PM
Damn it, it's taken me the past six months just to get the hang of the common names!
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 18, 2003 10:15 PM
I think it might be a little while before I get onto the trees ;)
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 18, 2003 11:00 PM
Greetings Boynton, and you have my admiration for making the effort to know names... you will not be sorry.
Our Eastern Hemlocks are dying, will be gone perhaps in time for me to see their complete demise from the eastern deciduous forest of north America. And with them, perhaps, the Black Throated Blue Warbler and others that seem to thrive in the formerly dense dark green needles of my favorite, dying tree species. Sometimes I wish I didn't know them by name.
Posted by fredf at June 18, 2003 11:05 PM
It's the other way round for me Gummo - flora then the fauna. Though as Fred points out, they're (we're) inter-connected.
Harrowing Fred, to go from field observation to commemorating in such a short time in relative terms. Recording names seems the least we can do.
Posted by boynton at June 18, 2003 11:32 PM
"The Spoonbill Generator gives you the opportunity to contribute to a collaborative work of verse. There are three poems being written concurrently"
( via Making Light) of whose commenters endorses this literary game for its unblocking powers. "...the shift in mental gears." This is one of the reasons why boynton loves Kevan's Kenning Game Engine - a nice writerly warm up.
Comments: spoonbill
I. Love. It.
Such a good link.
I've been tres amusanted all day.
Posted by mcb at June 19, 2003 06:31 PM
It is great- isn't it, mcb. I've only been reading so far, have yet to "commit poetry" - in public - but soonwill.
Posted by boynton at June 20, 2003 02:35 PM
( via Making Light) of whose commenters endorses this literary game for its unblocking powers. "...the shift in mental gears." This is one of the reasons why boynton loves Kevan's Kenning Game Engine - a nice writerly warm up.
Comments: spoonbill
I. Love. It.
Such a good link.
I've been tres amusanted all day.
Posted by mcb at June 19, 2003 06:31 PM
It is great- isn't it, mcb. I've only been reading so far, have yet to "commit poetry" - in public - but soonwill.
Posted by boynton at June 20, 2003 02:35 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Seeing that current ad for a mobile phone with pictures prompted boynton to remark: so does that mean the Jetsons are here then? Those slow old Jetsons- as if we've been waiting all these years for these tardy guests to turn up and deliver.
Perhaps such futurism was imprinted because the family was timeless, time-warped post ww2 nuclear - a cultural time-capsule in a space capsule somewhere close by. This cartoon tomorrowland is "almost upon us" according to The Age that reports on levitating trains, driverless cyber cars and the old John Robinson special personal jetpack. (see earlier boynton for more)
Good to see that Australia has already earned itself a position among the world’s best transit futurists
(boynton has always jockeyed for a postion among the transit nostalgics herself.)
Perhaps such futurism was imprinted because the family was timeless, time-warped post ww2 nuclear - a cultural time-capsule in a space capsule somewhere close by. This cartoon tomorrowland is "almost upon us" according to The Age that reports on levitating trains, driverless cyber cars and the old John Robinson special personal jetpack. (see earlier boynton for more)
Good to see that Australia has already earned itself a position among the world’s best transit futurists
(boynton has always jockeyed for a postion among the transit nostalgics herself.)
Monday, June 16, 2003
douglas bloomsday
It is Douglas' birthday. He is 14. Fancy that.
This is what boynton wrote six months ago:
... He was born on a cold Bloomsday. He should have been called Leopold. I saw him when he was 3 days old, bald, one of those strange squeaking little forms that blindly bleat for the teat, and paddle in the muddle of the litter. Time is catching up. I find myself staring at his beautiful thick black otter tail, that will still wag at the slightest cue, as other faculties decline, so finely tuned, will still wag at the barest hint of a smile
This is a picture of Doug This is a picture of a groundhog. When boynton saw the latter earlier this year, the similarity with the photo of douglas that had been taken a year before was rather striking. He is wearing her beloved tam-o-shanter that is possibly lost. It possibly fell out of her backpack one day in spring. Boynton hasn't been game to verify this. At the moment she is making do with a black balaclava
Soon she will go out for some baklava. Every year on this day she has bought douglas his favourite delicacy. He has at least one of the four honeyed triangles.
because it is indeed this very writerly day, boynton attempted a kind of loosely joycean post, obviously audaciously. But failed. Alas, she knows not her ulysses well enough.
"Just off to walk the dogs" said boynton to a friend on saturday
Half time in the football match. "I have to catch the light"
But it was already too late, almost dark, the light almost uncaught, no mark.
So off they set rugged up in found parkas, thickly clad, in the creeping cold. Officially winter. And unofficially. A hint of bitter, whispers of snow. The light set at legally blind - the colours going, the palette turning greyscale. Rough shapes and outlines, landmarks like railings and tennis courts, corners of park.
"Where's Doug?" said friend said
and boynton gave a casual nod of the head that meant: "he is of course his customary 10 metres ahead or behind me." As always. Is now and ever shall be.
But then he wasn't. There was only absence.
So she tracked back across the bridge along the creek and down the failing path as if following a blind lead, the way we sometimes pray, whistling a deaf dog, the other two, those spare dogs, high whining like pilots in the fog, sirens in the rocks,
and she was mistaking trees for beasts, denying that greater sense of absence that shadows us.
and suddenly there he was again, his black presence, just lost.
he looked caught out wandering off, that old disoriented look of demented senses often worn these days
And though she knows that soon the distance will close, the customary gap of 10 metres will recede for good like the snap of a retractable lead, for now we take up where we left off, an abstract end
with her friend back across the bridge heading home in the tracks of grim power walkers indifferent to a weakness for gum trees, that looked grand and sombre in the light of a full june moon.
Comments: douglas bloomsday
Lookin good for 14. Wish I had looked that good when I was 14. Cheerios and happy birfday Douglas.
Posted by Scott Wickstein at June 17, 2003 01:43 AM
Thanks - I'll pass on your greetings using the appropriate hand signals. That is the only way I can communicate with him these days, gestures as big as semaphore - or direct touch.
Well I think he looks better at 14 than a certain blue heeler at 4 - the greyness has been earned.
Posted by boynton at June 17, 2003 02:56 PM
I also went for a walk in the dying light of Saturday. Around Albert Park Lake and was amused by the swans, who fancy themselves as so grand, and so much better than the ducks, but who look every bit (if not considerably more) ridiculous with their feathery nether-regions stuck up in the air.
I thought at the time how good it must be to have a dog, to give one's walk a sense of purpose, rather than a mindless amble.
Happy birthday to Douglas.
Posted by mcb at June 17, 2003 04:26 PM
thanks mcb - and it was a great time to walk (if sufficiently rugged up) That really is one of the prime motivating factors in having a dog - it certainly does give purpose to the walk, and useful compulsion/propulsion on days like this that are rather bitter. It's a good "purpose" - not oppressive - and you can still amble if you want, even laden with 3 crazies. Now when I walk sans dogs I have that momentary "hands-free" anxiety!
Posted by boynton at June 17, 2003 05:19 PM
Small world. I've got a friend who went walking with dogs an moons an tree beasts an grey stuff. And grim walkers.
Posted by Pithy at June 18, 2003 12:20 AM
Probably with half of Melbourne. Synchroni City.
Posted by boynton at June 18, 2003 11:53 AM
A very evocative piece - do I detect echoes of the man himself?
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 18, 2003 04:55 PM
Very very faint echoes I would imagine Gummo. About the frequency at which Douglas hears most things these days. Despite what I may have declared above, I quickly realised that boynton was not quite up to the task of running this piece through a boynton-joycean-joke-generator. I had vaguely thought it might be a useful conceit, and I was only half right. So I abandoned the idea and ran with the hybrid.
Posted by boynton at June 18, 2003 05:21 PM
This is what boynton wrote six months ago:
... He was born on a cold Bloomsday. He should have been called Leopold. I saw him when he was 3 days old, bald, one of those strange squeaking little forms that blindly bleat for the teat, and paddle in the muddle of the litter. Time is catching up. I find myself staring at his beautiful thick black otter tail, that will still wag at the slightest cue, as other faculties decline, so finely tuned, will still wag at the barest hint of a smile
This is a picture of Doug This is a picture of a groundhog. When boynton saw the latter earlier this year, the similarity with the photo of douglas that had been taken a year before was rather striking. He is wearing her beloved tam-o-shanter that is possibly lost. It possibly fell out of her backpack one day in spring. Boynton hasn't been game to verify this. At the moment she is making do with a black balaclava
Soon she will go out for some baklava. Every year on this day she has bought douglas his favourite delicacy. He has at least one of the four honeyed triangles.
because it is indeed this very writerly day, boynton attempted a kind of loosely joycean post, obviously audaciously. But failed. Alas, she knows not her ulysses well enough.
"Just off to walk the dogs" said boynton to a friend on saturday
Half time in the football match. "I have to catch the light"
But it was already too late, almost dark, the light almost uncaught, no mark.
So off they set rugged up in found parkas, thickly clad, in the creeping cold. Officially winter. And unofficially. A hint of bitter, whispers of snow. The light set at legally blind - the colours going, the palette turning greyscale. Rough shapes and outlines, landmarks like railings and tennis courts, corners of park.
"Where's Doug?" said friend said
and boynton gave a casual nod of the head that meant: "he is of course his customary 10 metres ahead or behind me." As always. Is now and ever shall be.
But then he wasn't. There was only absence.
So she tracked back across the bridge along the creek and down the failing path as if following a blind lead, the way we sometimes pray, whistling a deaf dog, the other two, those spare dogs, high whining like pilots in the fog, sirens in the rocks,
and she was mistaking trees for beasts, denying that greater sense of absence that shadows us.
and suddenly there he was again, his black presence, just lost.
he looked caught out wandering off, that old disoriented look of demented senses often worn these days
And though she knows that soon the distance will close, the customary gap of 10 metres will recede for good like the snap of a retractable lead, for now we take up where we left off, an abstract end
with her friend back across the bridge heading home in the tracks of grim power walkers indifferent to a weakness for gum trees, that looked grand and sombre in the light of a full june moon.
Comments: douglas bloomsday
Lookin good for 14. Wish I had looked that good when I was 14. Cheerios and happy birfday Douglas.
Posted by Scott Wickstein at June 17, 2003 01:43 AM
Thanks - I'll pass on your greetings using the appropriate hand signals. That is the only way I can communicate with him these days, gestures as big as semaphore - or direct touch.
Well I think he looks better at 14 than a certain blue heeler at 4 - the greyness has been earned.
Posted by boynton at June 17, 2003 02:56 PM
I also went for a walk in the dying light of Saturday. Around Albert Park Lake and was amused by the swans, who fancy themselves as so grand, and so much better than the ducks, but who look every bit (if not considerably more) ridiculous with their feathery nether-regions stuck up in the air.
I thought at the time how good it must be to have a dog, to give one's walk a sense of purpose, rather than a mindless amble.
Happy birthday to Douglas.
Posted by mcb at June 17, 2003 04:26 PM
thanks mcb - and it was a great time to walk (if sufficiently rugged up) That really is one of the prime motivating factors in having a dog - it certainly does give purpose to the walk, and useful compulsion/propulsion on days like this that are rather bitter. It's a good "purpose" - not oppressive - and you can still amble if you want, even laden with 3 crazies. Now when I walk sans dogs I have that momentary "hands-free" anxiety!
Posted by boynton at June 17, 2003 05:19 PM
Small world. I've got a friend who went walking with dogs an moons an tree beasts an grey stuff. And grim walkers.
Posted by Pithy at June 18, 2003 12:20 AM
Probably with half of Melbourne. Synchroni City.
Posted by boynton at June 18, 2003 11:53 AM
A very evocative piece - do I detect echoes of the man himself?
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 18, 2003 04:55 PM
Very very faint echoes I would imagine Gummo. About the frequency at which Douglas hears most things these days. Despite what I may have declared above, I quickly realised that boynton was not quite up to the task of running this piece through a boynton-joycean-joke-generator. I had vaguely thought it might be a useful conceit, and I was only half right. So I abandoned the idea and ran with the hybrid.
Posted by boynton at June 18, 2003 05:21 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2003
ambient retro
wonderful retro styled televisions at Predicta (via Fimoculous)
Boynton just can't decide if she would order the Debutante or the Princess - but then the Chalet pretty much takes the cake.
On the other hand, maybe she'll just go for the Mirror TV (via J walk)
"The Mirror TV is an important step forward for consumer technologies, and for Philips," said Dr. Gottfried Dutine, CEO of Philips Consumer Electronics, "From a technology perspective, the Mirror TV craftily combines two important everyday functionalities"
Interesting to read of the Philips HomeLab, in Eindhoven where the prototypes are tested by RL residents.
"Innovations from HomeLab are steps toward an Ambient Intelligence culture, which is how Philips envisions the future. Ambient Intelligence is defined as world in which electronics are sensitive to people's needs, personalized to their requirements, can anticipate their behavior and respond to their presence - signifying a real improvement in people's everyday lives"
Scary. If the electronics ever got that clever, boynton would have to devise ways to confuse them. Or hide.
Comments: ambient retro
Well, I don't know. I think if they are going to "combine two important everyday functionalities" they should try to be a little more imaginative with the functionalities they combine. Yeah yeah, a mirror- tv. Great. But what about a washing machine- tv or a sofa bed- tv. Or a tv- blender? Now that's a challenge. And so much more useful, too.
Posted by mcb at June 16, 2003 05:32 PM
Like the sofa bed, mcb. But Phillips would then have to solve one of the great technological challenges of our times: successfully combining a sofa with a bed.
Posted by boynton at June 16, 2003 05:36 PM
Boynton just can't decide if she would order the Debutante or the Princess - but then the Chalet pretty much takes the cake.
On the other hand, maybe she'll just go for the Mirror TV (via J walk)
"The Mirror TV is an important step forward for consumer technologies, and for Philips," said Dr. Gottfried Dutine, CEO of Philips Consumer Electronics, "From a technology perspective, the Mirror TV craftily combines two important everyday functionalities"
Interesting to read of the Philips HomeLab, in Eindhoven where the prototypes are tested by RL residents.
"Innovations from HomeLab are steps toward an Ambient Intelligence culture, which is how Philips envisions the future. Ambient Intelligence is defined as world in which electronics are sensitive to people's needs, personalized to their requirements, can anticipate their behavior and respond to their presence - signifying a real improvement in people's everyday lives"
Scary. If the electronics ever got that clever, boynton would have to devise ways to confuse them. Or hide.
Comments: ambient retro
Well, I don't know. I think if they are going to "combine two important everyday functionalities" they should try to be a little more imaginative with the functionalities they combine. Yeah yeah, a mirror- tv. Great. But what about a washing machine- tv or a sofa bed- tv. Or a tv- blender? Now that's a challenge. And so much more useful, too.
Posted by mcb at June 16, 2003 05:32 PM
Like the sofa bed, mcb. But Phillips would then have to solve one of the great technological challenges of our times: successfully combining a sofa with a bed.
Posted by boynton at June 16, 2003 05:36 PM
Friday, June 13, 2003
boynton illusion
After some tweaking..."Boynton predicted this...". boynton would like to be able to test the isoluminant contrast and spatial resolution but is simply not able to step away six to eight feet from her computer. And all may be illusion.
Comments: boynton illusion
I tried that and it looked much the same at a distance as it did close-up. Not sure if that was the answer they were looking for or not.
Posted by James Russell at June 13, 2003 11:32 PM
well to confess - I did eventually move the six to eight feet away - and I blamed the lack of change on the old lap-top screen syndrome. I'll have to test it on my desktop. Interesting.
Posted by boynton at June 14, 2003 12:26 AM
You look pretty in pink y'know.
Posted by Scott Wickstein at June 14, 2003 01:16 AM
Probably better in pink than yellow anyway if the Illusion is anything to go by!
(I don't think that's boynton's shape anyway - but it's hard to tell. Better step away from the computer)
Posted by boynton at June 14, 2003 01:29 AM
Comments: boynton illusion
I tried that and it looked much the same at a distance as it did close-up. Not sure if that was the answer they were looking for or not.
Posted by James Russell at June 13, 2003 11:32 PM
well to confess - I did eventually move the six to eight feet away - and I blamed the lack of change on the old lap-top screen syndrome. I'll have to test it on my desktop. Interesting.
Posted by boynton at June 14, 2003 12:26 AM
You look pretty in pink y'know.
Posted by Scott Wickstein at June 14, 2003 01:16 AM
Probably better in pink than yellow anyway if the Illusion is anything to go by!
(I don't think that's boynton's shape anyway - but it's hard to tell. Better step away from the computer)
Posted by boynton at June 14, 2003 01:29 AM
can't trust that day
We are so glad that Mr Wickstein got the code for daysoftheweek just in time for one of these superstitious special days. Not that boynton is particularly Paraskevidekatriaphobic. And she has never even considered friday in itself to be suspect.
Bad Friday
It is said: Never change your bed on Friday; it will bring bad dreams. Don't start a trip on Friday or you will have misfortune. If you cut your nails on Friday, you cut them for sorrow. Ships that set sail on a Friday will have bad luck – as in the tale of H.M.S. Friday ...
She's always been more your monday monday person, apparently in good company.
Comments: can't trust that day
Prefer Creek Alley.
Posted by Pithy at June 14, 2003 09:23 PM
There's a great web site devoted to that song Pithy.
(with slightly different spelling) that unravels the manifold references in the lyrics.
I love it too, but I actually do like the Monday song. That elusive pop x factor eluded Dennis Doherty too apparently (according to Tv doco on John Phillips) "a song about Monday?". Monday and nothing and everything I say.
monday good to sing....
Posted by boynton at June 14, 2003 10:02 PM
Well in our family, Boynton, this rule was was strictly adhered to: No nail cutting on a Sunday. To this day I just can't bring myself to do it.
Posted by Nora at June 15, 2003 12:34 AM
That'd be Denny, Boynty.
Posted by Pithy at June 15, 2003 11:49 PM
Bad Friday
It is said: Never change your bed on Friday; it will bring bad dreams. Don't start a trip on Friday or you will have misfortune. If you cut your nails on Friday, you cut them for sorrow. Ships that set sail on a Friday will have bad luck – as in the tale of H.M.S. Friday ...
She's always been more your monday monday person, apparently in good company.
Comments: can't trust that day
Prefer Creek Alley.
Posted by Pithy at June 14, 2003 09:23 PM
There's a great web site devoted to that song Pithy.
(with slightly different spelling) that unravels the manifold references in the lyrics.
I love it too, but I actually do like the Monday song. That elusive pop x factor eluded Dennis Doherty too apparently (according to Tv doco on John Phillips) "a song about Monday?". Monday and nothing and everything I say.
monday good to sing....
Posted by boynton at June 14, 2003 10:02 PM
Well in our family, Boynton, this rule was was strictly adhered to: No nail cutting on a Sunday. To this day I just can't bring myself to do it.
Posted by Nora at June 15, 2003 12:34 AM
That'd be Denny, Boynty.
Posted by Pithy at June 15, 2003 11:49 PM

boynton feels she may need to add an icon occasionally to signal "I'm rarely joking" - or "please don't take me at face value".
Comments: disclaiming
In that case shouldn't Erin (must you call me Boynton?) have been wearing her specs from day one?
Posted by Nora at June 13, 2003 06:37 PM
I not get.
Posted by Tee Tee at June 13, 2003 06:42 PM
well actually I just wanted to test the old image uploading waters as well.
Posted by boynton at June 13, 2003 06:52 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2003
ephemera fan
Today in a more positive frame of mind we approached the links directly and have added fiendish who also features this link to Victorian courtship rituals. While love and courtship may be categorised under ephemera, boynton was also drawn here to the flirting with fans section. More on this mysterious tongue here
The Language of the Fan.
Browsing around hand fans also led boynton to a most wonderful local ephemera collection, which includes some early advertising hand fans. (Even better at full size.)
Another section of this vast display is titled Collecting ephemera, can be an inexpensive and interesting hobby - and these are just a couple of the samples on offer:
Anchor Ann Recipe Book. c1925. (maybe this is what sometimes hampers boynton in the kitchen - just can't shake the old anchor over the shoulder feeling)
Cheer-Up Society fund raising badge. 1942. (boynton will join up)
but our current favourite - from Old time photos from South Australia 1 is this wonderful image.
Love beat
Comments: ephemera fan
Anchor's Away! Ahoy Boynton!!
Posted by Nora at June 12, 2003 11:54 PM
The Language of the Fan.
Browsing around hand fans also led boynton to a most wonderful local ephemera collection, which includes some early advertising hand fans. (Even better at full size.)
Another section of this vast display is titled Collecting ephemera, can be an inexpensive and interesting hobby - and these are just a couple of the samples on offer:
Anchor Ann Recipe Book. c1925. (maybe this is what sometimes hampers boynton in the kitchen - just can't shake the old anchor over the shoulder feeling)
Cheer-Up Society fund raising badge. 1942. (boynton will join up)
but our current favourite - from Old time photos from South Australia 1 is this wonderful image.
Love beat
Comments: ephemera fan
Anchor's Away! Ahoy Boynton!!
Posted by Nora at June 12, 2003 11:54 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Choose a visual design that fits your voice is one of Mark Bernstein's 10 tips on Writing the Living Web
At the moment boynton is probably feeling a bit like this. We've switched into verdana but stand by.
(Meanwhile apparently poor old Nora has sneezed and popped a disc, so could probably use one of these.)
( Vintage Neckbraces via The solipsistic gazette)
update: some possible design ideas here. (Reload for more). boynton will just run them past Mr W before she puts in her preliminary order. (website fulifier via Leushke)
Comments: bracing
Very colourful; perhaps not the most readable...however, there is definately food for thought.
Posted by Scott Wickstein at June 12, 2003 01:26 AM
don't worry Scott- just joking. Even boynton knows a bad design when she sees it. (if she can see it, that is, within the tiled trees and vast galaxies of backgound) I just like looking at the way different links receive big and bold priority on every reload. Hypnotic.
Posted by boynton at June 12, 2003 01:58 AM
I got hypnotised.
On another point, how come some websites, this included, jump down the page when a link is clicked on for the first time?
I'm getting sleepy.
Posted by Tony.T at June 12, 2003 03:43 PM
my turn to say "I not get" T.
the symptoms you describe of link jump are worrisome. Maybe it's the mysterious knee jerk piece of code
The physical stimulus when you hit the link immediately sends a message to the template
This is translated into an electrical impulse in your site
The impulse then returns to the browser
The eyes then contract and the link swings abruptly forward. Is this what you mean?
Posted by boynton at June 12, 2003 03:52 PM
It actually makes my blog look better. Must do something about that template.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 12, 2003 05:59 PM
Poor Nora! More sympathy is required, I think.
ps I get the jumping page too
Posted by Averil at June 12, 2003 06:57 PM
Averil I am actually very concerned.
At this jumping link thing. I've had no such evidence of this disturbing syndrome on either my home PC or the laptop. What happens exactly? I'm stumped, perplexed, moved. Maybe some subtle manipulation of the major index is required?
Posted by boynton at June 12, 2003 07:18 PM
It just jumps down the page a little bit. Sort of to the next post. Not sure exactly. Nothing dramatic, not too far. Just a little hop. On the next link click it does the right thing.
Posted by Tee Tee at June 13, 2003 06:41 PM
"Just a little hop" eh? That's reassuring, tees, sounds like a nice little move. To keep us all on our toes. In fact I'm sure that there must be have been a little piece of code created just to give a bit of subtle choreroegraphy to one's otherwise static and staid blog.
Posted by boynton at June 13, 2003 06:50 PM
At the moment boynton is probably feeling a bit like this. We've switched into verdana but stand by.
(Meanwhile apparently poor old Nora has sneezed and popped a disc, so could probably use one of these.)
( Vintage Neckbraces via The solipsistic gazette)
update: some possible design ideas here. (Reload for more). boynton will just run them past Mr W before she puts in her preliminary order. (website fulifier via Leushke)
Comments: bracing
Very colourful; perhaps not the most readable...however, there is definately food for thought.
Posted by Scott Wickstein at June 12, 2003 01:26 AM
don't worry Scott- just joking. Even boynton knows a bad design when she sees it. (if she can see it, that is, within the tiled trees and vast galaxies of backgound) I just like looking at the way different links receive big and bold priority on every reload. Hypnotic.
Posted by boynton at June 12, 2003 01:58 AM
I got hypnotised.
On another point, how come some websites, this included, jump down the page when a link is clicked on for the first time?
I'm getting sleepy.
Posted by Tony.T at June 12, 2003 03:43 PM
my turn to say "I not get" T.
the symptoms you describe of link jump are worrisome. Maybe it's the mysterious knee jerk piece of code
The physical stimulus when you hit the link immediately sends a message to the template
This is translated into an electrical impulse in your site
The impulse then returns to the browser
The eyes then contract and the link swings abruptly forward. Is this what you mean?
Posted by boynton at June 12, 2003 03:52 PM
It actually makes my blog look better. Must do something about that template.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 12, 2003 05:59 PM
Poor Nora! More sympathy is required, I think.
ps I get the jumping page too
Posted by Averil at June 12, 2003 06:57 PM
Averil I am actually very concerned.
At this jumping link thing. I've had no such evidence of this disturbing syndrome on either my home PC or the laptop. What happens exactly? I'm stumped, perplexed, moved. Maybe some subtle manipulation of the major index is required?
Posted by boynton at June 12, 2003 07:18 PM
It just jumps down the page a little bit. Sort of to the next post. Not sure exactly. Nothing dramatic, not too far. Just a little hop. On the next link click it does the right thing.
Posted by Tee Tee at June 13, 2003 06:41 PM
"Just a little hop" eh? That's reassuring, tees, sounds like a nice little move. To keep us all on our toes. In fact I'm sure that there must be have been a little piece of code created just to give a bit of subtle choreroegraphy to one's otherwise static and staid blog.
Posted by boynton at June 13, 2003 06:50 PM
everyday sklop
once again: whoops. Slept through International Plep day. (Of course we believe that every day should be a plep day)
And boynton hopes Plep will forgive the association here, but every day is likely to feature some sklop or slerd. From What Bird did that?
(via Fiendish is the word (whom we would quickly add to the bloggroll - if only we knew how)
And boynton thought that Mark might appreciate this feral pigeon art.
And boynton hopes Plep will forgive the association here, but every day is likely to feature some sklop or slerd. From What Bird did that?
(via Fiendish is the word (whom we would quickly add to the bloggroll - if only we knew how)
And boynton thought that Mark might appreciate this feral pigeon art.
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Alamein bound
one of the pleasures of staying in boroondara is reading the Progress Press First published in 1946 as the Chadstone Progress . Today's sub heading is poetic and intriguing:
A push to get passengers to embrace the Alamein line
As evocative as this is, it is not up there with the headlines spotted recently by bluejoh.
Where is Boroondara? I've never heard of it. I always get a pang of anxiety when I discover a Melbourne suburb I've never heard of- evidence that I am not keeping up. Tell me it's a new suburb. Or better still, tell me it's not a suburb at all, but the name of a street or a house...
Posted by: mcb at June 11, 2003 04:58 PM
According to the info, the Progress Press covers the postcodes: 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125, 3126, 3127, 3146, 3147.
I know mcb, I've been using this term loosely and obliquely. Boroondara is the name given to the new super-council (from the days of those super-council amalgamations) of let's just saw those so called blue ribbon suburbs over the river (from Richmond/struggletown) It's actually an original name that was revived. I used to merely grocery shop in boroondara, and sneer away at the wall to wall 4WD's and the labradors (dog of choice) - but now here I am residing in a small back pocket with my old labrador.
But I've always really wanted to live in Alamein actually.
Posted by: boynton at June 11, 2003 05:12 PM
A push to get passengers to embrace the Alamein line
As evocative as this is, it is not up there with the headlines spotted recently by bluejoh.
Where is Boroondara? I've never heard of it. I always get a pang of anxiety when I discover a Melbourne suburb I've never heard of- evidence that I am not keeping up. Tell me it's a new suburb. Or better still, tell me it's not a suburb at all, but the name of a street or a house...
Posted by: mcb at June 11, 2003 04:58 PM
According to the info, the Progress Press covers the postcodes: 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125, 3126, 3127, 3146, 3147.
I know mcb, I've been using this term loosely and obliquely. Boroondara is the name given to the new super-council (from the days of those super-council amalgamations) of let's just saw those so called blue ribbon suburbs over the river (from Richmond/struggletown) It's actually an original name that was revived. I used to merely grocery shop in boroondara, and sneer away at the wall to wall 4WD's and the labradors (dog of choice) - but now here I am residing in a small back pocket with my old labrador.
But I've always really wanted to live in Alamein actually.
Posted by: boynton at June 11, 2003 05:12 PM
canines 523
As discussed in the comments section (that parallel blog) we have a bit of tweaking ahead of us to get an acceptable look. As in all other media, titles are challenging. And as for categories, boynton fears that she may only have two: ephemera and canines. And what else is there? So this is the first entry in the latter (to be arranged) category. Boynton has elsewhere discussed the dramatic symphony that occurs when she first sets out into the street with her three dogs. They are all quite mad, in many different ways. Flo - the blue heeler is the maddest, with that clever demonic quality always lurking in her broad under-used brain. In our travels, she takes great delight in rushing towards a gate where first she spied a fellow snout, attached to a loud guard dog with an ack-ack guard bark to which she replies in a piercing high whine, thus destroying the peace and quiet throughout the extensive parkland. Boynton is working on the choreography of her own response - a rather comic dance with several random kicks (in the air of course) and lead wielding hand gestures. As stupid as it looks, this routine is gradually having some deterrent effect.
Today however mad Flo rushes at a new gate, Bronte on her heels, towards what she thinks is a fresh canine combatant. Alas - it is only this that does not bark back. But because boynton believes we can learn from another's odd visions, she can half see the logic there, and has found evidence of Flo's inner broomness, and bronte's and of course that of Mr Douglas.
There's nothing more frightening than an angry broom defending its territory. Unless it's a female broom defending her litter of hand-brushes.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 10, 2003 07:12 PM
Nice new digs you got 'ere B. And it loaded before I finished my jelly babies.
BTW, how's that Gummo in Trivia?
Posted by Pithy at June 10, 2003 08:36 PM
Yes boynton learnt that early, Gummo: never get in between a broom and her brood. A brush with danger.
Thanks Pithy. And you've managed to combine the 2 categories, canines and trivia, (a subsection of ephemera)in this alt blog.
Gummo's team beat boynton's (without its full complement of course)
Posted by boynton at June 10, 2003 08:56 PM
But, alas, we didn't beat the eventual winners (or four other teams that placed higher than what we did).
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 10, 2003 09:05 PM
which means of course, Gummo, that boynton's looking "really" bad now!
Must study my mathematical symbols, movies made after 1950 and meniscus before ever mentioning the sport again!
Posted by boynton at June 10, 2003 10:10 PM
That explains the sore foot - I just dropped a brick.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 10, 2003 10:21 PM
Today however mad Flo rushes at a new gate, Bronte on her heels, towards what she thinks is a fresh canine combatant. Alas - it is only this that does not bark back. But because boynton believes we can learn from another's odd visions, she can half see the logic there, and has found evidence of Flo's inner broomness, and bronte's and of course that of Mr Douglas.
There's nothing more frightening than an angry broom defending its territory. Unless it's a female broom defending her litter of hand-brushes.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 10, 2003 07:12 PM
Nice new digs you got 'ere B. And it loaded before I finished my jelly babies.
BTW, how's that Gummo in Trivia?
Posted by Pithy at June 10, 2003 08:36 PM
Yes boynton learnt that early, Gummo: never get in between a broom and her brood. A brush with danger.
Thanks Pithy. And you've managed to combine the 2 categories, canines and trivia, (a subsection of ephemera)in this alt blog.
Gummo's team beat boynton's (without its full complement of course)
Posted by boynton at June 10, 2003 08:56 PM
But, alas, we didn't beat the eventual winners (or four other teams that placed higher than what we did).
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 10, 2003 09:05 PM
which means of course, Gummo, that boynton's looking "really" bad now!
Must study my mathematical symbols, movies made after 1950 and meniscus before ever mentioning the sport again!
Posted by boynton at June 10, 2003 10:10 PM
That explains the sore foot - I just dropped a brick.
Posted by Gummo Trotsky at June 10, 2003 10:21 PM
tea and trivia
Found myself profoundly humiliated at trivia when I failed to recognize a jangly riff from We can work it out by some jangly mersey beat group from the sixties - over-ruling a teammate in the process. All cred is dead.
Arf, arf, he goes a merry sight (from John Lennon's In his own Write via Incoming Signals)
Flags of the world often feature in these quizzes, and this chart with mini flags would be a handy way to cram, if that would be my sad penance, cramming for trivia (via fishbucket)
I checked back into that great temple of trivia and lists blog- Vitamin Q - and found a post that mixed the trivia in with the nostalgia. An irresistible brew. A list of 40 Bygones Things you don’t often see any more
It's sad to run down the casualty list and realise I might have to let cakestands be bygones. But Tea cosies? Makes me want to rush out and secure an artefact from the nearest op shop/folk museum. Or knit a vintage poodle number. From this blog I also see designer Tea cosies might signal a revival - or not?
Elsewhere, this example - Tea Cosy with Forest theme is quite impressive.
They may not be seen as often, but tea cosies are still around and apparently dangerous.
This Scotsman article Beware of the Tea Cosy lists many such domestic hazards collated by the Home Accident Surveillance System.
Comments: tea and trivia
Now Now Miss B,
Are you REALLY going to beat yourself up over that for years to come??
In your defence it was only 1 channel (the non-vocal one) that we heard, and those little jangly Mersey beat groups from the 60s had an annoying habit of putting vox in 1 channel and drums etc in the other...
Revel instead in your triumphs... remember Anatevka and be happy!
Posted by creativejim at June 10, 2004 04:48 PM
Ah - thank you kindly, Jim.
I think I just lost one year off the beating. ;)
I used to know those mono recordings backwards - or so I thought.
My memory seems to be going the way of 'Anatevka'
"A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
A pot, a pan, a broom, a hat."
but never quite in the right order or able to be re-assembled in trivia quick time.
Posted by boynton at June 10, 2004 05:11 PM
"Other menaces around the home included hair brushes (1394 incidents), vegetables (14,149) piles of ironing (5248) and cotton wool buds (8569). False teeth caused 933 accidents, clothes baskets 2768, toilet roll holders 287, brillo pads 226, talcum powder 123, and deodorants 431..."
I love it. There's something sinister about the "Home Accident Surveillance System", as if inspectors are going to beat on the door demanding to see my furry hottie cover.
"Anatevka" I shall have to google. I am impressed.
Posted by David Tiley at June 11, 2004 03:25 AM
I want to know more about the volatile underpants. As a regular wearer of underpants I need to know what I'm up against.
Posted by Dick Jones at June 11, 2004 08:17 AM
The article is full of gems:
"It seems odd there are so many more accidents involving trousers than chainsaws"
(and let's just hope that the HASS inspectors don't demand to inspect the hazardous underpants)
The volatile underpants scenario is explained step-by-step within article, but, you know, loses so much of its mystery in the process.
what would the Scotsman know about underpants anyway ;)
Posted by boynton at June 11, 2004 12:56 PM
I have long known that it is foolish to put beans in one's ears, more foolhardy I have learned to my cost, is putting chainsaws in one's underpants.
Very theatrical, attracts much applause from an appreciative audience. Sadly it is pyrrhic applause, provoking fits of uncontrolled swearing and cursing (aka The Accidental Tourettes).
BTW. Some Scots are know to disport windswept and interesting underpants.
Posted by Sedgwick at June 13, 2004 09:17 AM
Arf, arf, he goes a merry sight (from John Lennon's In his own Write via Incoming Signals)
Flags of the world often feature in these quizzes, and this chart with mini flags would be a handy way to cram, if that would be my sad penance, cramming for trivia (via fishbucket)
I checked back into that great temple of trivia and lists blog- Vitamin Q - and found a post that mixed the trivia in with the nostalgia. An irresistible brew. A list of 40 Bygones Things you don’t often see any more
It's sad to run down the casualty list and realise I might have to let cakestands be bygones. But Tea cosies? Makes me want to rush out and secure an artefact from the nearest op shop/folk museum. Or knit a vintage poodle number. From this blog I also see designer Tea cosies might signal a revival - or not?
Elsewhere, this example - Tea Cosy with Forest theme is quite impressive.
They may not be seen as often, but tea cosies are still around and apparently dangerous.
Thirty-seven people were injured so seriously by the pot warmers in 1999 that they were admitted to hospital. Most of the injuries were caused by scalding, usually after an attempt to pick up a teapot by its cover rather than the handle, while others followed trips on cosies lying on slippery kitchen tiles or lino
This Scotsman article Beware of the Tea Cosy lists many such domestic hazards collated by the Home Accident Surveillance System.
the majority of accidents appear to be caused by people’s actions rather than faulty products. ..
"Underpants, for instance, cause a lot of accidents
Comments: tea and trivia
Now Now Miss B,
Are you REALLY going to beat yourself up over that for years to come??
In your defence it was only 1 channel (the non-vocal one) that we heard, and those little jangly Mersey beat groups from the 60s had an annoying habit of putting vox in 1 channel and drums etc in the other...
Revel instead in your triumphs... remember Anatevka and be happy!
Posted by creativejim at June 10, 2004 04:48 PM
Ah - thank you kindly, Jim.
I think I just lost one year off the beating. ;)
I used to know those mono recordings backwards - or so I thought.
My memory seems to be going the way of 'Anatevka'
"A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
A pot, a pan, a broom, a hat."
but never quite in the right order or able to be re-assembled in trivia quick time.
Posted by boynton at June 10, 2004 05:11 PM
"Other menaces around the home included hair brushes (1394 incidents), vegetables (14,149) piles of ironing (5248) and cotton wool buds (8569). False teeth caused 933 accidents, clothes baskets 2768, toilet roll holders 287, brillo pads 226, talcum powder 123, and deodorants 431..."
I love it. There's something sinister about the "Home Accident Surveillance System", as if inspectors are going to beat on the door demanding to see my furry hottie cover.
"Anatevka" I shall have to google. I am impressed.
Posted by David Tiley at June 11, 2004 03:25 AM
I want to know more about the volatile underpants. As a regular wearer of underpants I need to know what I'm up against.
Posted by Dick Jones at June 11, 2004 08:17 AM
The article is full of gems:
"It seems odd there are so many more accidents involving trousers than chainsaws"
(and let's just hope that the HASS inspectors don't demand to inspect the hazardous underpants)
The volatile underpants scenario is explained step-by-step within article, but, you know, loses so much of its mystery in the process.
what would the Scotsman know about underpants anyway ;)
Posted by boynton at June 11, 2004 12:56 PM
I have long known that it is foolish to put beans in one's ears, more foolhardy I have learned to my cost, is putting chainsaws in one's underpants.
Very theatrical, attracts much applause from an appreciative audience. Sadly it is pyrrhic applause, provoking fits of uncontrolled swearing and cursing (aka The Accidental Tourettes).
BTW. Some Scots are know to disport windswept and interesting underpants.
Posted by Sedgwick at June 13, 2004 09:17 AM
literary bugbears and rebecca
I find Max de Winter a deeply unsympathetic character. He's arrogant, bullying and insensitive. Surely he must have realised that his young, inexperienced bride couldn't cope with Mrs Danvers P.D. James on Rebecca is one of the leading figures discussing their literary bugbears (via bifurcated rivets)
Of course, even in mosaic Danny is one scary dame (via fiendish word)
For those of us who love the film, maybe it's one of those novels that was enhanced by its cinematic treatment
"Late in his life, Hitchcock told an interviewer he'd thought du Maurier's novel was "humorless," and maybe he was right. But he and screenwriters Robert E. Sherwood and Joan Harrison found darkly humorous ways to convey the novel's tone of quietly mounting hysteria and its ultra-refined schoolgirl-passion prose"
I'm glad PD said that! Max just didn't wash with me even in my pimply innocence, and it bothered me enough to detract mightily from the read. Cousin Rachel was the one for me. Araldited said pimply innocent right into Phillip's shoes from the off.
Has boynton ever seen the film of that one? I've never seen it, and it'd have to be a ripper, no?
Posted by: Rob Schaap at June 10, 2003 03:15 AM
Shamefaced I confess I have neither read nor seen MCR. And now the Queen's birthday long weekend with filthy weather well suited to watching videos is over! But with Richard Burton in the cast, I think I'll make an effort to hire it pronto.
As for Max - yeah guess so. Maybe in one's respective girlish pimply innocence, such terrible traits were seen as millsyboony desirable. Liked Larry in the film though, and the (RL) "tension" b/w him and Joan F.
Posted by: boynton at June 10, 2003 01:03 PM
Of course, even in mosaic Danny is one scary dame (via fiendish word)
For those of us who love the film, maybe it's one of those novels that was enhanced by its cinematic treatment
"Late in his life, Hitchcock told an interviewer he'd thought du Maurier's novel was "humorless," and maybe he was right. But he and screenwriters Robert E. Sherwood and Joan Harrison found darkly humorous ways to convey the novel's tone of quietly mounting hysteria and its ultra-refined schoolgirl-passion prose"
I'm glad PD said that! Max just didn't wash with me even in my pimply innocence, and it bothered me enough to detract mightily from the read. Cousin Rachel was the one for me. Araldited said pimply innocent right into Phillip's shoes from the off.
Has boynton ever seen the film of that one? I've never seen it, and it'd have to be a ripper, no?
Posted by: Rob Schaap at June 10, 2003 03:15 AM
Shamefaced I confess I have neither read nor seen MCR. And now the Queen's birthday long weekend with filthy weather well suited to watching videos is over! But with Richard Burton in the cast, I think I'll make an effort to hire it pronto.
As for Max - yeah guess so. Maybe in one's respective girlish pimply innocence, such terrible traits were seen as millsyboony desirable. Liked Larry in the film though, and the (RL) "tension" b/w him and Joan F.
Posted by: boynton at June 10, 2003 01:03 PM
Sunday, June 08, 2003
code one
Yes we've made the switch. After two weeks of whingeing about the old blogger volksy getting bogged, in those bad bad days of "sluggish" performance, we received a most generous offer from Mr Wickstein to inhabit a spare corner within his towers.
It was not an auspicious start for boynton.
"You'll be fine if you know your html " said Scott.
"Yes, it's just that psychological thing of summoning the nerve to jump in" replied Miss b, a tad too cocky perhaps.
Last night she saw Ian McKellan on Parkinson talking about the strategies actors employ when they get really desperate for a way into character. There's always the fake moustache. This is what boynton did, to summon the old nerve - donned a pair of appropriate imaginary glasses ... and then quickly took out the front wall of her new dwelling.
HTML ?- (glasses on) - isn't that hit the mystery lever and proceed through the Delete warnings as if nothing had happened, smashing up the templates along the way? Luckily Mr W restored order, but miss b shall take it slowly from here, making changes gradually, tweaking prudently.
Tweaking a new whatever that is in your life should always be done prudently at the start.
Worry not, as Mr W is here to catch you should you fall. Miss b is doing excellently so far.
Posted by: Scott Wickstein at June 9, 2003 04:05 AM
Congratulations on your successful move. The blog roll is updated - now I suppose it's time for the obligatory "boynton has moved" post. And possibly time to move the Potemkin to new moorings ...
Posted by: Gummo Trotsky at June 9, 2003 05:35 PM
Thank you for your quick-off-the-mark update, Gummo. No need for you to pen one of those milk-bar type "lost" notices, and I shall of course refrain from those gloating type of condescending
enorsements for others to move. Blogger seems to be behaving better at this very moment. But bon voyage should the Tugboat "sail".
Posted by: boynton at June 9, 2003 06:21 PM
You are one of us now. Congrats on the MT move!
Posted by: joh at June 9, 2003 06:54 PM
hey thanks joh. a flattering inclusion.
the pressure is on to look good now, erm...we're taking it slowly.
Posted by: boynton at June 9, 2003 07:19 PM
I rather like the pencil-thin moustache.
Welcome aboard, watch your step aboard the Moveable Type, prone to much faster speeds than you've been enduring at Blogger. Use the hand grips overhead to prevent falling.
You're coming up to speed nicely.
Posted by: fredf at June 9, 2003 10:13 PM
congrats on the move...enjoy rocks.
did I just say 'rocks'!?
Posted by: Darren at June 9, 2003 11:37 PM
Thanks Fred - my hands are firmly locked into the overhead grips (probably much to the relief of my landlord) - because as Darren says, it does 'rock'- yes, it rocks indeed.
Posted by: boynton at June 9, 2003 11:46 PM
Congratulations on the move. Your new home looks prodigious. When's the house warming party? :)
Posted by: Gerard at June 10, 2003 01:23 AM
Hey Missy B! Congrats on the new move. You are indeed, one of 'us' now. Enjoy reliable archives and full control. It's possible to drag over your old Blogger archives, but takes time to get to grips with (or was that just me?)
Posted by: Mark at June 10, 2003 01:55 AM
well done B! lookin' good. though i hope you haven't occupied my promised surreal estate at uebersporting...(scott, i'm hoping to make the move next weekend if there's still room!)
Posted by: Gianna at June 10, 2003 11:07 AM
well - thank you all.
Gerard - I'd better check with the Landlord re parties first. Either that or I'll wait for the Presurfer to post a link to "Virtual Housewarming Party" (actually there must be a need for that application!)
Yes Mark I just haven't got around to the archives yet. May consult mr pigeons. :)
(You can retract earlier offer to help....NOW!)
And Gianna - one of the incentives for the move was the knowledge that you'd be in one of the "towers" (as coined by James R).
such good neighbours
and as you said: got to mix the uber with the unter.
Posted by: boynton at June 10, 2003 12:52 PM
Very nice.
We applaud your effort.
Posted by: mcb at June 10, 2003 03:56 PM
obviously I have a fair bit of tweaking to do mcb, but I'm waiting for official clearance before I'm allowed near that china cupboard of templates again.
Posted by: boynton at June 10, 2003 04:11 PM
I've put away all the good crockery and set it up so that Miss b. can play around without breaking anything major.
Posted by: Scott Wickstein at June 11, 2003 04:55 AM
It was not an auspicious start for boynton.
"You'll be fine if you know your html " said Scott.
"Yes, it's just that psychological thing of summoning the nerve to jump in" replied Miss b, a tad too cocky perhaps.
Last night she saw Ian McKellan on Parkinson talking about the strategies actors employ when they get really desperate for a way into character. There's always the fake moustache. This is what boynton did, to summon the old nerve - donned a pair of appropriate imaginary glasses ... and then quickly took out the front wall of her new dwelling.
HTML ?- (glasses on) - isn't that hit the mystery lever and proceed through the Delete warnings as if nothing had happened, smashing up the templates along the way? Luckily Mr W restored order, but miss b shall take it slowly from here, making changes gradually, tweaking prudently.
Tweaking a new whatever that is in your life should always be done prudently at the start.
Worry not, as Mr W is here to catch you should you fall. Miss b is doing excellently so far.
Posted by: Scott Wickstein at June 9, 2003 04:05 AM
Congratulations on your successful move. The blog roll is updated - now I suppose it's time for the obligatory "boynton has moved" post. And possibly time to move the Potemkin to new moorings ...
Posted by: Gummo Trotsky at June 9, 2003 05:35 PM
Thank you for your quick-off-the-mark update, Gummo. No need for you to pen one of those milk-bar type "lost" notices, and I shall of course refrain from those gloating type of condescending
enorsements for others to move. Blogger seems to be behaving better at this very moment. But bon voyage should the Tugboat "sail".
Posted by: boynton at June 9, 2003 06:21 PM
You are one of us now. Congrats on the MT move!
Posted by: joh at June 9, 2003 06:54 PM
hey thanks joh. a flattering inclusion.
the pressure is on to look good now, erm...we're taking it slowly.
Posted by: boynton at June 9, 2003 07:19 PM
I rather like the pencil-thin moustache.
Welcome aboard, watch your step aboard the Moveable Type, prone to much faster speeds than you've been enduring at Blogger. Use the hand grips overhead to prevent falling.
You're coming up to speed nicely.
Posted by: fredf at June 9, 2003 10:13 PM
congrats on the move...enjoy rocks.
did I just say 'rocks'!?
Posted by: Darren at June 9, 2003 11:37 PM
Thanks Fred - my hands are firmly locked into the overhead grips (probably much to the relief of my landlord) - because as Darren says, it does 'rock'- yes, it rocks indeed.
Posted by: boynton at June 9, 2003 11:46 PM
Congratulations on the move. Your new home looks prodigious. When's the house warming party? :)
Posted by: Gerard at June 10, 2003 01:23 AM
Hey Missy B! Congrats on the new move. You are indeed, one of 'us' now. Enjoy reliable archives and full control. It's possible to drag over your old Blogger archives, but takes time to get to grips with (or was that just me?)
Posted by: Mark at June 10, 2003 01:55 AM
well done B! lookin' good. though i hope you haven't occupied my promised surreal estate at uebersporting...(scott, i'm hoping to make the move next weekend if there's still room!)
Posted by: Gianna at June 10, 2003 11:07 AM
well - thank you all.
Gerard - I'd better check with the Landlord re parties first. Either that or I'll wait for the Presurfer to post a link to "Virtual Housewarming Party" (actually there must be a need for that application!)
Yes Mark I just haven't got around to the archives yet. May consult mr pigeons. :)
(You can retract earlier offer to help....NOW!)
And Gianna - one of the incentives for the move was the knowledge that you'd be in one of the "towers" (as coined by James R).
such good neighbours
and as you said: got to mix the uber with the unter.
Posted by: boynton at June 10, 2003 12:52 PM
Very nice.
We applaud your effort.
Posted by: mcb at June 10, 2003 03:56 PM
obviously I have a fair bit of tweaking to do mcb, but I'm waiting for official clearance before I'm allowed near that china cupboard of templates again.
Posted by: boynton at June 10, 2003 04:11 PM
I've put away all the good crockery and set it up so that Miss b. can play around without breaking anything major.
Posted by: Scott Wickstein at June 11, 2003 04:55 AM
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