At op shops, if you're lucky enough to score a new pair of shoes in your size, the colour of the shoe isn't an issue.
But they are very red.

But when she wanted to go to the right, the blue heeler and the red shoes walked to the left, and when she wanted to walk up the room, the blue heeler and the red shoes walked down the room, down the stairs through the street, and out through the gates of the town. She walked, and was obliged to walk, far out into the dark wood...
She was frightened, and wanted to throw the red shoes away; but they stuck fast. She tore off her stockings, but the shoes had grown fast to her feet. She walked and was obliged to go on walking the blue heeler over field and meadow, in rain and sunshine, by night and by day—but by night it was most horrible via

I see Hobyahs.
Are you finding any compulsion to replace the jeans with a tutu?
Oh, I see too
No, but I am finding compulsion to replace the jeans.
I was thinking more Moira Shearer - though sad ending, so avoid ballerinaism.
The possible replacements for jeans are too numerous (etc) to contemplate at bedtime. Perhaps a jean therapist could advise on splicing, etc?
I've seen 75% of that film about 75 times in the late night ABC spot.
Presumed it ended sadly a la Hans.
Well these jeans were never a dog/walking/fashion/statement, but I think the cuffs tell me they are on the way out.
Though that could be evidence of excited dog nipping behaviour (from Jack Russell, not bluey)
horrible scary photo
I think the 2nd photo' is the last word on 'footloose'.
Cut Loose!
I have some jeans I turn up, so, I am amazed they don't have holes in the knees yet. Working on it though.
I'm sorry, Ann, if...and ...
(It was Paintshop that done it)
Loose as in de feat...
I think my cuffs are cooler now, having seen the pics of Natalie's attire.
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