Thursday, May 01, 2008

ex jewelry

Ex-Boyfriend Jewelry via bifurcated rivets

The thumbnails create a strange gallery where iconic imagery is given a new script.

(Or where semiotics is given the finger)


Ann ODyne said...

well thanks a bloody lot for bringing that one to my attention. wasted hours there.

The "Guilt Pieces" post is the best.

The ring is positively heroic ... and the giver ran off with a bartender.

Mainly what I learned, like Diana Spencer,
that CHEATING isn't leavened by the inclusion of massive jewels.

Ann ODyne said...

... followed 'semiotics' link ...
to read the tragic story of the 5-years of dating preceding the marriage to ... shock surprise! an alcoholic junkie.

That can't be right. Unless it was a major rockstar, no junkie has money over for booze or serious diamond rings?

OK so it was a major rockstar - that would support my suspicion that she was incredibly stupid to not see evidence in 5 years of use, but that would mean stupid enough to name him ... doncha think?

boynton said...

Guilt Pieces is good, although I prefer the pure pun of Pear Shaped Engagement Ring

I couldn't find this tragic story, Ann.
So I can't even guess name of Big Rock/Star.

peacay said...

Reminds me of this [via]

genevieve said...

Heh, I like that category, 'gifts that should have been jewelry'. What ripper stuff.

Ann ODyne said...

oh I loved an excuse to go through it all again.
Yes Genevieve, the best 'gifts that should have been jewelry' was the Robot Vacuum.

I'll pay 'Pear-shaped-Engagement' for sure (p.7)
and at the bottom of p.5 there is a male selling The Ring.

p.10 has an ex who was a famous singer of love songs, and here is my bimbo chick:

"Dated the man for 5 years. Married him to discover he was an alcoholic and a heroin addict. The marriage fell apart leaving me poor, homeless and alone. I have rebuilt my life, and i want rid of the bad memories. !!"

Too many of the sellers had Very Long engagements.
I have always thought that 'Character Assessment' classes should be part of High School education.

I never got a diamond ring.

boynton said...

peacay. Yes, though that's the high v street art of broken hearts.
I like the gnome

Yes, G, that category is good.
more raw offloading...

Oh well, Ann, no rings, no blood diamonds anyway...

Anonymous said...

A perfect example of what Ballard called "invisible literature".

You could turn those poignant posts into a play a la\......provided of course you aren't working on any other good theatre ideas at the moment...

Ann ODyne said...

Thanks Nabs, I'll get started on that future Vogel BreadPrize winner straight away.
Today the has a Fashion feature
'The Modern Rules Of Engagement" :
here is the bit of it I could cut,
(the photos make cutting tricky)
but it is worth the full read

"Words are cheap and you can only truly judge how important you are to another person by the amount of money they are willing to spend on you. Sad but true." She adds that under no circumstances is the woman to contribute. "After their first row, she will resent him for it and harbour resentment ad infinitum."

The problem with a "used" ring is that sentiment, tradition and superstition are involved, too. Bride Magazine's fashion editor Bryony Toogood says that some women believe used jewellery carries "vibes" from the last wearer. One happily married man agrees: "A used ring carries a finger ghost. I think the giver of a used ring has to be a number one crass chap."

Now that I am getting divorced, and my poor bespoke engagement ring has been so abused that the stone has fallen from its setting, I wonder what I am supposed to do with it. If I had only been engaged when we split up the etiquette is fairly clear.

"In the old days, if a man gave an engagement ring and the engagement was broken off, the woman would have to give it back. But she could sue for breach of promise," says divorce lawyer Vanessa Lloyd-Platt, "Now she gets to keep it, unless the ring has family significance."

Lloyd-Platt adds that the used ring situation is more frequent than it seems among what she terms "serial engagers". "With family heirlooms, a man could keep giving the same ring," she says. "If a woman suspects this is the case, she should politely say that she wants her own."

So what's a girl to do? Should Carey demand a new bit of bling? There is a third option. "At least have the sense to reset the stones," says Lloyd-Platt.

And Mr Cannon, despite your 17carat iceberg surrounded by 58 intense pink diamonds and two half-moon diamonds on either side, just remember: size isn't everything.

boynton said...

I don't get it.

Shame that no one is lambasting the princesses as well for dreaming such small dreams.