Monday, November 27, 2006


Penguin are publishing 6 books without covers in a new series of books called My Penguin.
Draw Your Own My Penguin and submit it to the gallery.

We're throwing open six of our favourite Classics by publishing them with naked front covers and we'd really love for you to be involved - and to have as good a time coming up with covers as we've had in putting the series together.
via fimoculous

Here's my thinkin' on The Picture of Dorian Gray


Lunar Brogue said...

I'm mightily impressed by the fact that the expedition included an "official" piper.

Reminds me of those strangely inspiring images (in Chester Wilmot's The Struggle for Europe, for example) of Highland regiments marching to war behind barrel-chested pipers.

And the tethering was cruel not only for the obvious reason that too much exposure to Margaret's Kilty Socks in such a forbidding climate can kill a small animal but because it ruled out any form of audience participation (I have in mind a sort of improvised penguin jig).

boynton said...

You're right about the cruelty. Whoops, maybe I meant Crime and Punishment


Anonymous said...

Magic Tales could have a picture of two brothers frowning.

boynton said...

Tall Tayles could have a picture of two brothers marking.

Lunar Brogue said...

George Marston, "expedition artist", might also go down in history as "world's first penguin choreographer" - here teaching his hapless conscript the chicken dance.

boynton said...

Oh it's a jolly holiday with you, George...

or charles