Thursday, June 11, 2009



I've done this a lot lately.

Must be a confidence thing.



boynton said...

There are times when everyday paranoia seems fairly rational...

(Update: I changed the tense on the commentary. I knew what I meant - but it didn't sit quite right. My tenses lapse with my confidence ;)

genevieve said...

I have been half-reading Julie Andrews' bio, Home: seems she had hardly any confidence at all. I iz devastated.

BLogger has definitely been reading Tim Winton.

boynton said...

I haz confidence in confidence alone
Besides which you see I haz confidence in me!

or Blogger has been surfin'

Dominic Rivron said...

I took a screenshot too, recently when I got asked to type in "buggerab" of all things. Some of these words are priceless, and oddly synchronous, at times, with what you're writing about.

boynton said...

'buggerab' is a good blog oath.

I wonder when 'Synchronous' will turn up? ;)