Thursday, December 18, 2008

next question

Recently one of our trivia team-mates coined the word Troogle for a quiz question that would seem to require googling, a question that causes a certain sense of citation needed.
(And a team-mate also pointed out last night that while the derivation is Trivia+Google, it also sounds like true-gling: to verify)

Of course a troogler has to be cautious, as some of these facts enjoy a degree of (page rank) authority. Google, noun and verb, cause and effect.

There are some faux facts that do the rounds of email lists and quizzes, as documented on the blog Popular Misconceptions
Some time ago, I had the idea of compiling a collection of ‘popular misconceptions’ - those nuggets of information that get passed from person to person, told with an air of authority, but which turn out to be completely false...

Anyway - the other day I found my way to an online Pub quiz at Spiegel.

I guessed A.

As you do.

More of a blooper than a troogle I guess
but as is often the case
we were both



Ann ODyne said...

oh I remember well the 1976 Melbourne Olympic marathon - where I came second to Sierpinskis fabulous win on account of stopping to pick him up after his fall and we both later repeated the sequence in the Farnarkling event despite the dreadful brawling around us between the Hungarian team and those pesky Russkis.

boynton said...

Was the turning point still the Oak in 76?