Actually, last Friday could have been called Black Cockatoo Friday, as I was lucky enough to encounter another* flock's sortie into suburbia. I watched (in pedestrian awe) a dozen or so glide around the creek, making crows look like sparrows in their wake.
Googling led to this illustrated post.
-which is from the wonderful Ben Cruachan Blog about the flora and fauna of Gippsland, Australia
I loved the recent post: In Praise of Trees
but the most recent posts liveblog the floods.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
greatest hits
The blog form is now ten years old. How better to celebrate that anniversary than with a "Greatest Blog Hits" issue? *
Quarrtsiluni Greatest Blog Hits
via Dick Jones
(whose That Long Grey Corridor is part of the collection.)
Quarrtsiluni Greatest Blog Hits
via Dick Jones
(whose That Long Grey Corridor is part of the collection.)
Friday, June 15, 2007
just smile
...continuing the canine theme...
After seeing a link to Google Story Creator Google tells you a story (via things)
I decided to run the what is an e-word-heating-coil-in a toaster* idea through that machine.
The story created did include the nice line, check wiki for more information on the Watt , but I had more success after keying in my default lorem-ipsum-text-reserved-for-generators -
black labrador:
After seeing a link to Google Story Creator Google tells you a story (via things)
I decided to run the what is an e-word-heating-coil-in a toaster* idea through that machine.
The story created did include the nice line, check wiki for more information on the Watt , but I had more success after keying in my default lorem-ipsum-text-reserved-for-generators -
black labrador:
So for me and folks like me it s not just a dog but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future the fond memories of the past and the pure joy of the moment.
just smile because they just don t understand.
Tonight's visit was a definite low point in a slow period of decline. I ordered mine to be cooked rare and my husband and son ordered theirs to be cooked medium.
fido friday
Not long ago, it was noted that there were relatively few lol dogs in local circulation. So here's one for dogblog frido friday. And because Doug (RIP) would have been 18 tomorrow *.

Photo taken about 10 years ago. I'd been out to Safeway and this was how he greeted me at the door. He'd been quietly raiding the rubbish bin when (evidently) his head became wedged in the swing-top. I think the yellow plastic ball was being proffered in nervousness or desperate "gallows humour".

Photo taken about 10 years ago. I'd been out to Safeway and this was how he greeted me at the door. He'd been quietly raiding the rubbish bin when (evidently) his head became wedged in the swing-top. I think the yellow plastic ball was being proffered in nervousness or desperate "gallows humour".
Thursday, June 14, 2007
bk2 We are reading James Joyce's Ulysses - via Twitter
via Deblog: The Literary Twitosphere
A list of literary uses of twitter
via Ramage
via Deblog: The Literary Twitosphere
A list of literary uses of twitter
via Ramage
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
e word

A surge in my stats from this search was curious, and suggests a puzzle or quiz in the US that leads to a quick google-squiz? Who knows.
Anyway, its hotness is now mild.
But I thought it deserved a Google-Poem
Here's one compiled from a few throws of "couplets".
what e word denotes a heating coil in a toaster
Compiled 6/12/2007 2:41:45 AM GMT
The wire coils within a toaster have
denotationally denotations denotative
toaster , toaster ovens, hot short
- Take your toaster and take it apart
- File Format: - because
- 652k - - Mayonnaise
requires 60 watts and your coffee
2 toaster 2 toasts 2 tobacco-free
minutes of heating time. The food
Coil is visited by the Serpent God
E v e ry_W e st e rn
athletes may be reported to Popcorn
the toaster did not get red hot due
a word that can ever denote a true
in formulas though I must admit
and I could imagine hearing it
“heater raining cat” toaster
the coolest cuts to hit the street
and 'V' are commonly used to
and now it's but a word used to
the toaster oven simultaneously
coiling coils .. denotationally
toastier toasting toasts toasty
- Table 9: US Army Intelligibility
Sunday, June 10, 2007

"Percy - quick- duck down!" urged Pam from the bushes.
"You're wearing the wrong pullover!"
(from School Friend Annual 1959) Purchased today.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
tudor style
Tudor-style home in bush setting
A Tudor is the sacred cow of house styles. Don't get too experimental with colors
A Tudor is the sacred cow of house styles. Don't get too experimental with colors
...eclectic housing revivals happen again and again. "In the 19th century people were able to choose housing designs from the book. There were styles like neo-classical and Italianate. In 1930s Australia we have had Mock Tudor and Spanish Mission," he says,...
"But now there seems little that is not a yearning for the past and often another place..." The Age
Monday, June 04, 2007
the arkley
Further to Laura's HAs on Sars
The Age:
I've seen a few "retros" recently in real estate ads for fifties houses, and even a Post-modern. Which could mean your retro house is enclosed by a couple of giant quotation marks out the front, who knows?
The Age:
One change being driven by developers is the swing away from the fake historical facade such as the neo-Georgian, mock Victorian and quasi-colonial.The Arkley
They want their estates to have a sharper, more contemporary look. This has opened the way for one new historical style — the neo-'50s. One of Metricon's most popular designs is the Arkley, inspired by the late painter Howard Arkley's renditions of postwar suburban houses
I've seen a few "retros" recently in real estate ads for fifties houses, and even a Post-modern. Which could mean your retro house is enclosed by a couple of giant quotation marks out the front, who knows?
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