" I do not find my farm that pennyworth I was taught to expect, but I believe, in time, it may be a saving bargain. You will be pleased to hear that I have laid aside the idle éclat, and bind every day after my reapers." *

"As to my renumeration, you may think my songs either above or below price; for they shall absolutely be the one or the other"
Comments: pennyworth
This has been freaking me out for days, and now I think i know why: Magritte.
Also I'm worried about the mental health of your op-shop's volunteers.
Posted by laura at November 2, 2005 01:05 PM
My great-great-auntie and role model Catherine Carswell wrote a quite passable biog of Burns. (She was a D H Lawrence groupie too, & wrote a biog of him called "The Savage Pilgrimage" but I forgive her for that 'cos she was escaping a pretty boring and hyper-religious Scottish upbringing.)
She also made legal history by divorcing her abusive husband on the grounds of insanity, which hadn't been done before.
I only found out about her when in my thirties because my grandmother disapproved of her violently and never mentioned her. I knew there must have been a good reason why I never liked that woman (My GM, not CC.)
Posted by Helen at November 2, 2005 02:13 PM
Yes it's hard not to see this as Art, Laura.
May have to look for a pattern...
(Ah & I missed the puns about ed. notes and spare bob)
That's pretty impressive, Helen!
She sounds like a good role model.
Posted by boynton at November 2, 2005 02:39 PM
So ugly they needed 2 stickers?
Looks like his long-johns. They could have slapped an extra sticker down there. I wouldn't pay a dollar for the painting. (now you're going to tell me it's really famouslike and sold for 723 trazillion gazoos)
(nice story Helen)
Posted by peacay at November 2, 2005 03:08 PM
painting here:
u cn zoom and be the judge...
I used to love the sight o' 'two stickers' - as it often signified a further mark-down in price when the book didn't move...Nothing much beats a bargain on a bargain, especially when you can trace its history.
But this is merely duplication...
Posted by boynton at November 2, 2005 03:41 PM
ok ok. I be proved wrong. That be a fetchin' young lad depictionated.
Anecdotally I can only ever recall femmes being enthused by the sale-upon-sale device. I always think that they don't deserve the custom for having overpriced previously. Reminds me of all this '99% fat free' nonsense. Artifice.
Posted by peacay at November 2, 2005 03:52 PM
Poor fellow has a price on his head.
Posted by MG at November 3, 2005 01:53 PM
Spare bob to burn?
Posted by boynton at November 3, 2005 02:41 PM
Poor fellow has a price on his head
That's a real "shit! Why didn't I think of that?" moment.
Posted by Helen at November 4, 2005 10:14 AM
(footnote: it was also a weird moment as I then opened The Age to see:
"Robert Burns, pictured, was threatened with a charge of sedition in 1794. He is rumoured to have "tempered his writing", and written under assumed names as a result of the threat ")
Posted by boynton at November 4, 2005 10:28 A