- narrowly beating Snake in the grass ends day at races in the best headline stakes.
People write where they hope and believe they have an audience to listen and possibly respond to their thoughts. i.e vanity of the blogger
Right now the audience is now on Twitter and/or Facebook/Friendfeed, so that is where the conversation has moved. In the future it may move to video e.g Seesmic, Qik, Kyte
The point of my intended conversation wasn't to bemoan my lack of readers - content here has always meant to pleases only myself and perhaps a handful of others - but to maintain that microblogging and social networking combined with time constraints have made indie blogs obsolete.
Anne - in Comments at the wonderful Ample Sanity
It was great fun to start The Presurfer on September 24, 2000, and I'm still enjoying updating the site every day.
Every year I promise myself a bit of a sabbatical, changing tack for a while to talk more about why I do it, what I've learnt, where I think it's going. All a bit more meaty than the seaside and bubble cars. But then I think a lot of you are probably here for the seaside and bubble cars, not to hear my inner thoughts and there's the eternal conundrum.
sometimes we think the internet is best simply for lists of things