Thursday, March 29, 2007

slow meme


As well as getting reacquainted with my books lately, I've been rediscovering my ephemera. Which means I've finally got around to scanning my Little Fork in response to I like


BwcaBrownie said...

ah 'ephemera' - Latin for "oh but I can't throw that* out"

a paper Pears soap wrapper,
an ALF toothbrush box
anything marked 'GEORGES'
Compass boarding pass
ticket stubs from music tours of 40 years ago
etc etc

Anonymous said...

"I've been rediscovering my ephemera."

After the chakra and before the inner child?

boynton said...

Oh - do I mean bric-a-brac and not ephemera? I suspect the presence of all the little forks inside differentiates it from the genuine stuff - the tix and butts...

with the humerus...