Friday, February 13, 2004


For his first web-based project, Annotations, Ligon revisits the family photo album, a format rich in its potential for investigating the diverse sources that shape individual identity, in the artist's words: "a site of invention, cheering fictions, hidden histories and unforeseen juxtapositions."

... Ligon was inspired by a notion of the web as a vast, anarchic library of material, where family histories are researched and documented in places as diverse as personal homepages and genealogical sites. He is interested in the web as a repository where public and private collide in myriad ways, where even intimate photographs may be posted for a few to visit, yet are ultimately accessible to millions, remaining in archives long after removal from their original location.

(via Consumptive)

This collision of private and public is also to be seen at the vast Johnson Family Papers Project
My name is Sue Johnson and I run this web page, which is the on-line presence of the Johnson Family Papers Project. And what, you may ask, is the Johnson Family Papers Project? It's something of a cross between a collection of memories, an act of mourning and a repository of social history
(via This Public Address)

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