Thursday, November 25, 2004


Note scribbled in back of Anne's Prayer Book
Her wounded feelings are clearly evident in a note which she scribbled in the back of her Prayer Book: in the minutest 'Brontë script' she declares: 'Sick of mankind and their disgusting ways'. The writing is so tiny it is difficult to read without the aid of a magnifying-glass

Anne Brontë - The Scarborough Connection (via Plep)

January 8, 1845
Monsieur, the poor have not need of much to sustain them -- they ask only for the crumbs that fall from the rich man's table. But if they are refused the crumbs they die of hunger. Nor do I, either, need much affection from those I love. I should not know what to do with a friendship entire and complete - I am not used to it. But you showed me of yore a little interest, when I was your pupil in Brussels, and I hold on to the maintenance of that little interest -- I hold on to it as I would hold on to life.

This letter was written by Charlotte Bronte, English writer, to Professor Constantin Heger. There is no evidence that this love was ever returned by him
Romantic LoveLetters (via Exclamation Mark)

Emily and Keeper's relationship began as a fierce power struggle, but it became one of mutual respect. One reason for the transformation appears to be Keeper's consistent devotion and loyalty. With Keeper, she could feel safe and protected. This suggests how the dog's behavior and temperament influence the nature of each human-dog bond. In turn, Keeper was changed by his experiences with her. Early accounts describe Keeper as a dangerous dog, liable to attack anyone who tried to discipline him. After years with Emily, however, Keeper became a different dog, a quiet presence in the Brontë home. When Emily died after a short illness, observers were impressed by Keeper's grief-stricken behavior during the funeral services

Emily Brontë and Dogs: Transformation Within the Human-Dog Bond

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